South TMC, The Batman cycle is already coming to an end. This Monday, February 17, viewers have an appointment with The Dark Knight Riseslast act of the trilogy imagined by Christopher Nolan in the early 2000s. Released in 2012, the film written by the Nolan brothers plunges us eight years after the death of Harvey Dent. The black knight is no longer, he decided to assume the responsibility of the Harvey Dent murder To promote the adoption of legal means imagined by the former assistant prosecutor. In collaboration with Jim Gordon, Bruce Wayne managed to eradicate a large part of Gotham’s crime. But a new enemy comes out of the shadows and terrorizes the city with hostage and attacks. Facing Bane, Batman confronts the most powerful opponent he has never faced as much as in his own past. But while the character’s journey seemed to come to an end to the cinema, Was a fourth film planned? We take stock.
A trilogy from the start?
When he seizes one of the most emblematic characters in pop culture, Christopher Nolan does not want to confuse speed and precipitation. The director first imagined his Begins as an independent project, the notion of cinematic universe did not exist. We are three years before Iron Man and the beginnings of the MCU. The first installment in the saga was released in a context where superheroes are no longer rating to the public, where the successive failures of Batman & Robin at DC or even Elektra At Marvel marked the genre with white iron. However, by betting on more human, political issues and a more realistic aesthetic, Nolan will give Warner Bros an opportunity to dream of a better future for his famous characters on icy paper.
With $ 375 million collected at the end of its exploitation, Batman : Begins is a success that calls for another but Nolan has not yet imagined the adventures of his hero as a trilogy. According to Christian Bale, the plan has always been to think about a film at a time. He added that the director was already considered lucky “To be able to make three”. In 2012, however, things changed a little in the world cinematographic landscape. Marvel has just achieved her first shine by bringing together her headliners to Avengersproduced by Joss Whedon. The firm confines its desire for a colossal and connected franchise on all sides. Warner Bros is eyeing this success and will not be long in announcing its own cinematographic universe. It is nevertheless with the Superman : Man of Steel From Zach Snyder that hostilities will be launched. Moreover, one after the arrival of the Clark Kent of Henry Cavill (which Nolan produces), The director and his scriptwriter brother will cease collaboration with DC.
Officially, they are for them to focus on other projects and thematic. We can still note that this announcement comes shortly after The birth of the DCU. Indeed, a few weeks after the departure of the two brothers, Warner Bros detailed his attack plan to compete with Marvel in dark rooms. Warner Bros would have approached Nolan and Christian Bale for a fourth part, but the first would have refused. From then on, DC Films sets his sights on Ben Affleck And put on a whole new franchise to make a recipe. The actor thus becomes the Batman of the DCUannihilating any chance of return for that of Bale.
An end that leaves little room for doubt
The Dark Knight Rises sounds like an end to the adventures of Bruce Wayne anyway. If the character survived the explosion of the bomb, the autopilot was repaired much earlier, he made his death believe to become a martyrdom and a symbol of peace for Gotham. He will thus sink happy days while knowing that his name will inspire new vigilantes … and this heritage is moreover at the epicenter of the conclusion when the true identity of John Blake is revealed. The character camped by Joseph Gordon-Levitt finds himself even in the Batcaveway for the film to tell us that Batman is dead But that his desire for justice continues to live Through those who have crossed paths. Asked about the possibility of one day reviewing Robin in the cinema, Gordon-Levitt explained in 2024 on the other hand: “Nolan was doing a trilogy … He never wanted to make other films. It’s funny, when we now think back in the context of the Marvel cinematographic universe, everything is a series of a sequel. But at the time, making a trilogy was already a lot ”.
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