Six years ago, Captain America hung up his shield in front of the Russo brothers ‘brothers’ camera. After a decade of good and loyal service, Steve Rogers offered himself a well -deserved retirement. Chris Evans still passed the relay to Anthony Mackie, with the promise a new era for the vigilante and symbol of America. This idea was also at the epicenter of the series Falcon and the winter soldier South Disney+.
The second MCU series prepared the enthronement of Sam Wilson as Avengers row chief New generation, as much as the return to life for its acolyte Bucky Barnes. With Brave New Worldthe superheroic stable Enter its importance While formulating a promise. At Marvel, a new world is about to get out of the ground. But is it better than the old one?
Two years after the events described in Falcon and the winter soldierSam Wilson becomes familiar with his role as Captain America. When approached by the new President of the United States, Thaddeus Ross, the vigilante sees it as an opportunity for contribute to shaping a fairer world. But when one of his loved ones finds himself at the heart of a vast conspiracy, Sam Wilson no longer knows that he must trust. The ruthless Ross, who tracked down the Avengers Renégats after the Sokovie agreementshas he really changed? And when the geopolitical situation gets away, a question remains … Who pulls the strings?
A new world that lacks courage
From the first moments, Julius Onah’s film wants to make sure that no confusion will be possible. Sam Wilson is not Steve Rogers. In addition to a change in musical register and tone, this fourth part of the saga stands out by His approach to the dilemmas inherent in gender productions. While it was for Rogers to deal with its superhuman strength and its gap with its time, its successor must conversely Fight without the benefits of the serum and a era that he understands too well. We still find this notion of mentor, with Joaquin Torres alias Falcon. Moreover, the first minutes are also and above all a way of planting the decor, to hang up the many wagons. Because the latest MCU film has less to do with its predecessors than more discreet or even outright forgotten (sometimes) productions of the license.
To build his political intrigue, Brave New World draw both on the side of Hulk of Louis Leterrier (2008) that Eternal (2021) by Chloé Zhao. The approach, for its part, recalls more Captain America and the winter soldierthe film of the Russo brothers which marked the first appearance of Sam Wilson in the franchise. But now, in addition to the obvious compilation of recipes and elements having more or less proven themselves, Brave New World must also fulfill many objectives. Between the importance of making Sam a leader for the next Avengers, the need to prepare the ground a little more for Doomsday And to conclude narrative arcs abandoned, the film really does not know where to turn. And there … it’s indigestion.
The presence of Harrison Ford makes it possible to offer a little light in this agreed political intrigue. We can also emphasize The pretty performance of Shira Haasthat we had discovered in Bodies on Netflix. However, she must play elbows with a gallery of massive characters … Some are largely under-exploited, like the Sidewinder of Giancarlo Esposito.
Cap or not cap?
If the introduction has this something taking, it is clear that never The film will not manage to give shape to its narrative issues, Whether it is to explore how Sam cannot count on superpowers or when he finds himself in spite of himself at the heart of a war for the management of Adamantium. In this game, moreover, Black Panther did much better.
The fault of a faltering narrative structure, which is never nothing other than a succession of revelations and reversals of situations little inspired. We already knew that Marvel used to move forward in marked field, but this new project suffers of an obvious lack of consistency as much as indigent writing of its dialogues. “The past does not define what you are” ... Yes it is a replica and a rather subtle way of rehabilitating a protagonist.
Too bad, the exchanges between the characters will never be used for anything other than to deliver (on a silver set) elements of the story which will be exploited a few seconds later … when it is not simply a question of pressing The progress of heroes. In the same way, the staging could have translated many ideas in its Immortalization of two symbols of a fantasized America.
But like writing, the realization of Julius Onah Se content du strict minimum. However, the idea of opposing two visions of the world was enough to make us dream. We will be satisfied with two scenes of fairly interesting air fighting, which if not surprising us, offer a stimulating show. There is a certain energy, we are not bored for a second, even if we can regret a fairly minimal use of the morphology of the celestial failed in the Pacific Ocean.
The film also has some difficulties To make his Red Hulk really formidable. A look at Bruce Banner’s transformation scene in Avengers In 2012 is enough to imagine the real threat represented by such a colossus … whether green or red. The visual copy once again suffers from mismanagement of its digital effects, as with the hazardous inlay of characters on a green background. Red Hulk is successful, the film antagonist much less. After two hours, a limited duration for the House of Ideas, a question remains: What good?
We see red (and blur …)
The idea is absurd, even downright unconscious. While we often criticize Marvel for multiplying the bridges between his productions of the large and now of the small screen, making the discovery of a film outright impossible for those who would not have revised his classics well, the studio summons this time- Here characters and events that we had not seen since 2008 in front of Louis Leterrier’s camera.
If Thaddeus Ross had invited himself to Civil War et Infinity Waranother character seemed to have been sacrificed like Edward Norton’s Hulk. But She-Hulkwhich had brought Emil Blonsky back, suggested a future where the tracks abandoned by Marvel in the early 2010s could finally come to life. We will not reveal too much to preserve the little suspense offered by this project, but the least we can say is that the approach looks like a constrained and forced bitch, For a stable in need of inspiration.
The question then arises of the place of directors and screenwriters, who must work with the firm’s ambitions for a better future in the cinema as on Disney+. As rarely before, Captain America : Brave New World appears as a pretext film, A piece of a huge puzzle who never seems to take shape. The renewal is not really there.
In the patterns as in tone, the first film of the year 2025 reminds us that the real successes at Marvel, as Deadpool & Wolverine or The guards of the galaxyare now only exceptions that confirm the rule of a breathless license.
Marvel and Fin de Course?
If some regime drops were to be deplored before 2019, it must be admitted that Kevin Feige has managed his boat for more than a decade in the cinema. Until Endgamethe firm seemed to have hatched an overpowered and unstoppable license, an essential part of pop culture for generations of spectators. However, while the headliners went with loss and a crash, Black Widow, Iron Man and Captain America, the House of Ideas confronts The difficulty of continuing the trip without its heroes Adored spectators.
More than everit is a question of inheritance For this film which must act a passage of relays. Anthony Mackie does not deserve, navigating as he can in this project which has heavy responsibilities on the shoulders. Because yes, if Captain : Brave New World is a success, it will be an opportunity for the firm to prove that she can survive at the start of her icons And that the trip can continue as long as possible. We would be tempted to say that this first attempt is not successful.
Beyond the difficulty in renewing itself and hatching new leaders, Marvel also confronts its imprint on pop-culture. The ingredients of its yesterday’s successes have been diverted repeatedly, parodied as in The Boys or more recently The Franchise. Parody is always a crucial step in the future of a genreit changes the way the public perceives famous stamps and their mechanisms.
As romantic comedy is mocked for its use of city heroines transported in small towns, superheroes are a source of mockery for their solemn postures in combat or their senses of the right word in full scuffle. If see Steve Rogers repeat “I could do this all day” All day long had something pleasant, these “wrestling phrases” sound differently in an era where superheroes are omnipresent and go away a little more from the beaten track. And this is undoubtedly the main difficulty that Captain America : Brave New World cannot overcome: His ideas have already been chewed and spit out tens of times.
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