Leclerc and Gasly face disqualification
The FIA have found that Charles Leclerc and Pierre Gasly’s cars were underweight.
Leclerc finished fifth in the race and had a damaged front wing.
The FIA fitted an official front wing to the car after the race, and it was found to be 1kg under the 800kg weight limit.
Gasly was also said to be 1kg under the limit.
FIA technical delegate Jo Bauer said: “After the Race, car number 16 was weighed and its weight was 800.0 kg, which is the minimum weight required by TR Article 4.1. As the front wing was damaged (the missing FW endplate was recovered and weighed with the car), the car was re-weighed with an official spare front wing assembly of car 16 and its weight was 800.5 kg.
“After this, fuel was drained out of the car and 2.0 litres of fuel were removed. The car was drained and according to the draining procedure submitted by the team in their legality document.
“The car was weighed again on the FIA scales (with the official spare front wing assembly of car 16) and the weight was 799.0 kg. The calibration of the scales was confirmed and witnessed by the competitor.
“For information the spare front wing was 0.2 kg heavier than the damaged one used during the race. As this is 1.0 kg below the minimum weight requested in TR Article 4.1, which also has to be respected at all times during the Competition, I am referring this matter to the Stewards for their consideration.”
“After the Race, car number 10 was weighed and its weight was 800.0 kg, which is the minimum weight required by TR Article 4.1.
“After this, a fuel mass check was carried out and 1.1 kg of fuel were removed. The car was drained according to the draining procedure submitted by the team in their legality document.
“The car was weighed again on the FIA scales and the weight was 799.0 kg. The calibration of the scales was confirmed and witnessed by the competitor. As this is 1.0 kg below the minimum weight requested in TR Article 4.1, which also has to be respected at all times during the Competition.”