Goal has announced Project Waterworthan initiative focused on the Construction of the longest underwater interconnection cable. It will have about 50,000 kilometers, a length greater than the circumference of the Earth and will be responsible for connecting, among other regions, the United States, India, Brazil and South Africa. The cable will take high quality and speed connectivity to all the areas to which it reaches, improving the technological development opportunities.
These types of submarine cables are currently the backbone of digital infrastructure globally, and support more than 95% of intercontinental traffic around the world to facilitate digital communications. The investment that will be carried out in Project Waterworth will be multimillionaire, and will be distributed over several years. The project will be in charge of opening three new communications corridors and offering the high speed connectivity necessary to give an impulse in the regions that connects the latest technology advances.
Prero Project Waterworth is not only focused on achieving the longest underwater interconnectivity cable, but also seeks to incorporate the latest in connection technology. For example, thanks to a new engineering design that allows to improve the resilience and resistance of the cable, it has been possible to build the 24 pairs of fiber more length of the world to use it in the project.
This technology has also allowed the goal to improve the global speed of deployment. In addition, they are deploying with a routed that maximizes the cable that is deployed in deep water, at depths of up to 7,000 meters, and using improvised buried techniques in problematic areas, as in shallow waters near the coast. In this way, the company will prevent dangers that can damage the cable. This happens, for example, with the anchors of the ships.
Goal is one of the technological ones that has been more active to the deployment and implementation of submarine cables to impulse connectivity worldwide. Thus, throughout the last decade, it has developed more than twenty. This includes several high -tech underwater cables with 24 fiber pairs, instead of 8 or 16 pairs used in other new systems and projects.
According to the company dedicated to telemegyography telecommunications analysis, Goal has invested since 2018 in 15 submarine cablesamong which is the known as 2Africa, which surrounds the African continent. But Project Waterworth will be the first global cable of which Meta will be completely owner.