HP has launched a program aimed at bringing young people closer to technology from around the world who are more disconnected. The program, which they have called HOPEseeks to reduce the digital divide and accelerate equality in the digital sphere of 150 million people. As part of this program, HP will facilitate the purchase of refurbished laptops.
The company will receive equipment donated by customers and partners that would otherwise be sold or discarded. These are reconditioned and repackaged, and sent to NGOs and schools so they can be reused. Computers that can be donated are identified and enter a reconditioning process. Obsolete components are also recycled. To do this, HP collects the equipment and sends it to a certified reconditioning partner. Its operators are in charge of sanitizing the data and preparing it for reuse.
In the HOPE project, HP has partnered with the YMCA (Alliance Européene des YMCA), which works in 37 countries to support and empower young people. It delivers devices to its centers throughout Europe to support initiatives related to training and digital literacy. These devices have no cost for the recipient. Nor does it generate expenses for the entity that donates them.
The YMCA is responsible for integrating learning modules, digital literacy courses and employment training into the donated laptops, which are then distributed to digital centers that provide education, training and community access programs.
Regarding HP HOPE, originally created by HP volunteers in Spainis present in several countries and has already benefited more than 52,000 children in 26 countries. In Spain, the partnership between HP HOPE and YAMCA has already resulted in the donation of more than 100 computers. The program is now available worldwide for companies that want to collaborate by donating computers they no longer use.