Sece and Ten months since the announcement of the purchase of hashicorp, IBM has finally been able to close the operationonly a few days after the United Kingdom regulatory authorities, which confirmed a few weeks ago that they were going to review the agreement, they gave the company green to the company to move forward.
As confirmed since IBM, they also had the authorization of the FTC, the Federal Commission of the United States, which granted it without further viewed after reviewing its conditions just before it did, last Tuesday, the United Kingdom market and competition authority, the entity responsible for monitoring competition in the country.
Hashicorp is a software company known especially for its “infrastructure” Terraft, focused on automating infrastructure supply, as well as its management, in different clouds. In principle, Open Source was available, but Hashicorp then changed it to an owner in 2023, something that was not very well received by the developer community and that led a Terraform fork known as Opentofu.
This license change is one of the steps that, apparently, made the company more appealing in the eyes of other companies that wanted to keep it, since in this way they would have more control over their star product. And Ibm did not take long to take the step to Buy it.
Terraft’s ability to facilitate companies to provision their infrastructure at home or in the different clouds in which they work, block with the IBM strategy, which is one of the companies that passed from the software installed at home to the cloud. With Hashicorp, it will have even more tools and services to offer their clients that they are interested in having facilities to advance their hybrid cloud strategies.
According to Rob Thomas, vice president and commercial head of IBM Software«Throughout the world, organizations are looking for the way to display modern apps, hybrids and ready for the cloud, which requires having automated cloud infrastructure on a significant scale. With this purchase, IBM undertakes to continue investing and growing hashicorp capabilities. Together, with Lider technology and the broad community of Hashicorp developers, and with the global scope of IBM and its research and development resources, we intend to integrate Hashicorp technology into all data centers«.