Imagine that there was a way to distribute all the cash in the world equitably between each inhabitant of the planet. Thus, a Wisconsin farmer would have the same cash That a potter in New Delhi, a goat shepherd in Namibia or a dentist in Sydney.
How much money do you think would correspond to each inhabitant? The short answer: everyone could Buy a Sandero Dacia.
The world money supply is not the same as world wealth
The modern economic system encompasses many financial and monetary elements that define the term of wealth. So one of the ways in which the exercise of imagination Distribution of wealth that would mitigate world poverty can be to distribute all the cash that exists in the monetary markets around the world.
This “cash” money is known as M2 Prenss supply And it is an intermediate monetary aggregate that includes money in circulation from around the world and certain bank deposits with high liquidity and with a period of up to 2 years, savings and money market accounts, as well as deposits with availability with notice of up to three months.
In other words, the monetary supply M2 is all that money you could have in your pocket in a relatively immediate way.
The concept of monetary supply m2 differs from the Global Heritage Wealth In that this includes assets and real estate or commercial properties that, although they can have a lot of value, are not easily redeemable for counting and sound money.
According to data collected by CEIC, the M2 monetary offer from around the world amounts to 123.3 billion (Europeans) of dollars In 2024. That is, joining all the effective of all the economies of the world, we would add that money. According to the ‘Global Wealth Report 2024’ report prepared by UBS, the world’s private private wealth in 2024 was estimated at 487.9 billion dollars in total.
To help us see that information in a more graphic way, in Visualcapitalist they have created an infographic in which the M2 monetary offer data obtained by CEIC is taken, and is divided between the world population data registered by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
Distributing all world cash
As we said, the world M2 money supply registered by the CEIC economic body in 2024 is 123,313 billion dollars (with the Anglo -Saxon system they would be trillion), while the data of the world population in 2024 reveal that we are currently 8,161,973,000 inhabitants In this little blue marble that we call planet Earth.
The result of the equitable cast is that, each inhabitant of the planet would correspond 15,108 dollars Or, what is the same, about 13,944.28 euros to change.
According to Virtualcapitalist’s calculations, that would be equivalent to the expenditure generated by the list of the purchase of an average home for two years, a second -hand car, or also reaches to buy a Sandero Dacia. Without extras, yes.
Spain is better for accounts
If we repeat the same exercise, but circumscribing the data to the scope of Spain, the amount that each Spaniard would receive would be somewhat higher. According to CEIC records for Spain in December 2024, the supply of M2 Available was 1,647,611,114 million dollars (or 1,648 billion dollars).
On the other hand, the population count of the INE of January 2025 left a total of 49,077,984 inhabitants in Spain. That lets us, by distributing the total of the money supply among the inhabitants of Spain, each would receive 33,571.29 dollars or some 30,967.97 euros to change.
In WorldOfSoftware | How much money you need to be among the richest 1% in Spain
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