There is some new Wayland protocol support activity this week worth mentioning for both the KDE Plasma and GNOME desktops.
Over on the KDE side, the five month old merge request for fifo-v1 support for KWin on Wayland was merged! This work by Xaver Hugl to allow clients under KWin to get proper First In First Out (FIFO) behavior by waiting for vblanks instead of frame callbacks is now merged for Plasma 6.4.
The fifo-v1 protocol can be used for advanced presentation modes like FIFO under Vulkan and is a big improvement for Mesa drivers. Great seeing KWin’s fifo-v1 cross the finish line yesterday.
As mentioned in This Week in GNOME, over on the GNOME side squeezing into the Mutter 48 compositor release was xdg-toplevel-drag-v1 protocol support. This is the Wayland protocol to allow dragging top-level windows during drag-and-drop, such as for dealing with Chrome/Chromium-like tab dragging.