The city of Lleida is the first of the peninsula that rejects the construction of data centers in its municipal term. Its mayor, Félix Larrosa, does not want them to settle in the city because according to their opinion “they do not contribute anything to the local economy.” The Consistory also points out that the creation of employment that they promise does not compensate for the large extension of industrial use land that they occupy, neither the water nor the energy they consume once they enter into operation.
For the Municipal Corporation, the positive impact that the companies that start up the data centers stand out for their installation only occurs while its construction is carried out, since when it ends and start working, they only have «Minimum maintenance personnel«. Larrosa stands out in this regard, according to the SER chain, that its ability to generate local impact «It is very limited. They have no attraction of people to work, especially talented, and in the end they consume many resources«.
So far there are two companies that are interested in building a data center in Lleida. One came to Buy rustic land for it, but from the City Council they have already notified that they will not requalify the land so that they can build in it because their urban plan still does not contemplate it. In addition, they want to give priority to other types of companies to use their space for industrial use. Specifically, to more traditional companies in the agri -food sector.
In Spanish they have spoken about it with Jose María Guilleuma, director of Data Center at the consultant Colliers, who has made it clear that he is not at all in accordance with the position of the Municipal Corporation of Lleida. Yeah Recognize that data centers consume a lot of energybut He points out that they must be taken into account that they are currently necessary assetsand emphasizes that they consume energy efficiently than anyone. In addition, it points out that the entire industry consumes water and energy, and that there are other sectors that also do it in excess.
Nor do you agree that the data centers do not generate sufficient data positions in the stage after its construction, and insists that it generates indirect labor and very qualified profiles, since they function as an anchor for the industry in the localities in which they are built.
Meanwhile, cities such as Talavera de la Reina (Toledo) or Autonomous Communities such as Aragon, prepare or are already immersed in the construction of data centers for companies of all kinds and sectors. Among them, for great technological, such as Meta, Microsoft and Amazon.
Photo: Jorge Franganillo