Starting with the powerful Snapdragon 8 Elite application processor (AP), which could end up powering every Galaxy S25 phone in all markets, Samsung has everything in place to make a statement about GalaxyAI with its 2025 flagship line. For security purposes, much of the AI activities handled by the Galaxy S25 line will stay on-device.
If Samsung really expects to show Apple what leading AI looks like, we should expect to see some exciting new AI tools introduced for the Galaxy S25 series. The 2025 flagship line will be unveiled during Sammy’s next Unpacked event which should take place on January 22nd.
With Ice Universe noting that he is surprised at the lack of leaks about the upcoming new GalaxyAI features, we will either be hit with a deluge of such leaks over the next couple of weeks or get surprised during the upcoming Unpacked event. Either way, the tweet from Ice Universe sets the bar high and we look forward to seeing the new AI features that allow Samsung to meet the height of that bar.