The package is part of the “Roam” offer, which allows you to use Starlink everywhere, without being attached to a fixed address. Practical for those who often move, such as sailors or followers of “van life”. In an email sent to certain subscribers, SpaceX explains: “ Stay connected without interruption in an emergency. You can use Starlink Roam on the move, with national coverage, in motion, during international trips or on the coast. »
A rescue connection for almost nothing
Do not look for this 10 dollars package on the Starlink site, it is not there. According to several testimonies on Reddit and Facebook, SpaceX targets especially former subscribers who have suspended their service. It is a way for the company to recover customers by offering them a cheaper and more flexible solution.
So far, the most accessible formula of Starlink cost $ 50 per month for 50 GB of data. SpaceX has also recently launched a “Residential Lite” offer at $ 80, but it is only available in areas where the network can collect more users.
With such a low Price, this $ 10 package can be interesting for those who have already bought a Starlink kit and want to keep a connection if necessary. It can help out during a fiber failure, or serve digital nomads that just need punctual access.
But 10 GB per month, let’s be honest, it’s light. No question of watching Netflix in 4K or working all day in teleworking with this package. Basically, it is an extra connection, and not a main subscription. Those who want a real mobile solution will have to turn to deeper offers … and necessarily more expensive.
Finally, this formula is more like a gateway to the Starlink ecosystem than a revolution in internet access by satellite. It is clever on the part of SpaceX, which tries to attract or recover customers without braking its service too much. To see if the offer will remain in place and if it will be launched elsewhere than in the United States, or if it will disappear as discreetly as it has arrived.
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