Since the grand finale of Super Smash Bros Ultimateits creator Masahiro Sakurai set about producing a video telling the behind-the-scenes stories of his past projects and his developer anecdotes. Two years and a few hundred videos later, the content of the channel Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games is coming to an end. An episode of more than 40 minutes was posted on this occasion and viewers were able to discover some important news to say the least. In addition to surprising statistics concerning the channel’s production – such as the €547,000 that Sakurai paid out of his own pocket to finance this non-monetized content – the creator revealed the development of a new project.
Everyone imagined Masahiro Sakurai taking a well-deserved vacation after the release of Sora’s DLC, but it seems that his creativity and motivation are limitless. It was at the end of 2021 that he received a pitch request for a new game that he said he had “finished with lightning speed“. But it took until April 2022 before he managed to form a team and officially launch the project.
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Since these six months of “break” were used to organize his future YouTube channel: suffice to say that Sakurai has not been idle. Unfortunately, we will have to be content with these few anecdotes concerning this mystery title. “I’m sorry I can’t say more about this project, but if we manage to complete it, it should be announced sooner or later“ he said in his video.
A sequel or a new license?
Despite the lack of more concrete information, it is already possible to establish some theories regarding this future game. Smash Bros fans are certainly hoping to discover a new opus for the Nintendo Switch 2, but this seems unlikely . In 2021, Masahiro Sakurai explained to The Verge what Super Smash Bros Ultimate had “reached the limit, at least in terms of content and characters” and that the future of the franchise could no longer just rest on its own vision of things.
For others, the dream project would be a sequel to the excellent Kid Icarus : Uprisingreleased for Nintendo 3DS in 2012. “It would be really nice to be able to play Kid Icarus: Uprising on a home console. I wonder if anyone will develop a porter one day?“, declared Sakurai on his YouTube channel in November 2022. This remark did not go unnoticed, but there is nothing to indicate that it is a teaser strictly speaking.
Sakurai might also be working on a new Kirbybut the little pink ball has already received very good titles on Switch. Nothing also excludes the development of a new license. Regardless, Sakurai is a true legend of the Japanese video game industry and it’s a safe bet that his next production will mark us just as much as the previous ones.
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