He Spain Government has decided to strengthen its investment in the Spanish Telecommunications Company Sateliot With one investment of 13.85 million of euros in the company. This investment will be carried out after authorization to the Ministry for the transformation for digital transformation and public function to carry out the operation through Spanish society for technological transformation (SETT).
It is not the first investment of the government in the company, since since 2022 it already had 4.69% of its shares through the Public Company, of the SEPI group, since 2022, when it bought the titles for 1.5 million euros. Sateliot is deploying a constellation nanosatellites to operate in the IoT (Internet of Things) and offer 5G coverage even in complicated access areas.
He currently already has six satellites in orbit, and is preparing to start providing commercial service in 2025, which will allow him to have recurrent income. In addition to SEPIDES, it also has among its main shareholders Indra Ya Cellnex. It has contracts worth 270 million euros, and has more than 400 clients in 50 countries. Its objective is to reach 1,000 million euros of income by 2030.
With the announced public investment, the Government is committed to providing connectivity even to the most remote and inaccessible areas. That is, it seeks global connectivity. For the company, the initiative is an impulse to be able to take a step further in the narrow iot band technology in non -terrestrial networks with Sateliot’s storage and shipping support (S&F) in a multisatelite configuration and terrestrial multi -state.
Sateliot, born in 2018 in Catalonia, presents a business model, which can climb, based on miniature cubesat satellites. This allows you to offer global connectivity at a low Price, taking advantage of both low -cost satellite infrastructure and high scalability.
Together with local telecommunications operators in each case, Sateliot can solve the internet access problem of sectors that are more linked to rural environments. Among them those of agriculture, livestock, renewable energies and logistics. In addition, its technology allows from detecting natural catastrophes or fires in inaccessible places to improving safety in industries located in remote areas. It is even able to prevent poaching by geolocation of specimens of endangered species.
With the SETT investment, the company will expand its capital to 40 million, through a joint investment system that is committed to the private public collaboration model in strategic sectors, such as advanced technologies. The SETT investment will be made through the Next Tech Fund, which aims to incentive for private investment and improve access to financing in the strategic sectors of Spain that are linked to the digital transition.
This investment is part of a series B financing that is developing Sateliot, which is already in its final phase. At the moment, 58.8 million of the 70s who want to achieve as a goal has already achieved.
With this amount, the company intends to develop a constellation of more than a hundred satellites, a critical infrastructure to guarantee real -time connectivity in areas without signal coverage. In this way, you may expand the use cases and sectors to be provided, to add those of defense, security, logistics and critical infrastructure management.
As part of this series B, Sateliot has also ensured a debt injection of 30 million euros from the European Investment Bank (BEI), which means the first risk debt operation of the entity in the space sector. This support reinforces the role of satelliot in the development of sovereign telecommunications infrastructure.
According to Jaume Sanpera, General Director of Sateliot, and one of its founders«The confidence shown by the SETT and other institutional investors confirms that Sateliot is the European response to the growing need for safe, accessible and autonomous satellite connectivity, essential for critical applications in civil, security and defense sectors«.