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🪐 What’s happening in tech today, March 3, 2025?
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On this day,
Homebrew Computer Club Holds First Meeting in 1975,
and we present you with these top quality stories.
Python: A Deeper Look Into How Django Transactions Work
This AI Model Gives Edge Devices Eyes on the Back of Their Heads,
let’s dive right in.
By @edwinliavaa [ 4 Min read ] We need diplomatic relations anchored by the same principles that have made Bitcoin revolutionary: transparency, verification, and immutability. Read More.
By @omnidirectional [ 5 Min read ] Panopticus enhances 3D object detection for edge AI, optimizing omnidirectional camera perception while balancing accuracy latency on resource-limited devices Read More.
By @mta [ 9 Min read ] Transactions are how Django manages all the DB operations that it runs. Learn how to best use them and avoid costly mistakes. Read More.
By @mfdupuis [ 10 Min read ] Trying to create a single AI that can answer all business analytics questions is challenging, if not impossible. Read More.
By @wasteofserver [ 12 Min read ] An adventure into the world of data recover. Learn how data recover software works and follow the process on how the Zoom M3 file recovery tool was created. Read More.
🧑💻 What happened in your world this week?
It’s been said that
writing can help consolidate technical knowledge,
establish credibility,
and contribute to emerging community standards.
Feeling stuck? We got you covered ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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The HackerNoon Team ✌️