Android Auto offers a very practical function: reading aloud messages received while driving. But lately, some users have noticed a weirdness. When Google Assistant reads a WhatsApp message, it adds a “ oh » unexpected at the end, even if this word does not exist in the original text.
An “oh” out of nowhere
On Reddit, numerous testimonies are pouring in, describing this unexpected situation to say the least. “ When my wife sends me a message that says, “Can you Buy milk?”, Android Auto reads it as: “Can you buy milk? Oh…” », writes a user. The phenomenon, it seems, is not limited to a single brand of phone or car. Owners of Samsung, Sony or OnePlus smartphones are also reporting this problem.
What makes the bug even stranger is that it appears to be specific to WhatsApp. Although some users have reported similar occurrences with other applications like Teams or Google Messages, the majority of testimonials concern the most used messaging application in the world.
So what causes this bug? For the moment, no clear answer. Some suspect a problem in Google’s text-to-speech engine, which manages the reading of messages. Others point to awkward interaction between Android Auto and WhatsApp. What is certain is that this is not an isolated bug: it affects a large number of users, but not all.
Fortunately, this “ oh » added has no impact on the overall operation of Android Auto. No interrupted connection or blocked playlist, just a sound curiosity that can become annoying for sensitive ears. “ It’s not a dramatic bug, but it’s disturbing to hear your car respond with an “oh” », jokes a user.
For the moment, Google has not officially communicated on the subject, and no solution has been proposed. In the meantime, some recommend reverting to an earlier version of Android Auto, downloadable through platforms like APKMirror. But this option, far from being practical, is not guaranteed to solve the problem.
This isn’t the first time that Android Auto has encountered bugs, but this one makes you smile as much as it intrigues. While some prefer to laugh about it, others are hoping for a quick update to correct this anomaly. In the meantime, it’s best to take this “oh” lightly. After all, if technology is starting to improvise, perhaps this is its way of making long journeys less monotonous!
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