Her name is Lizzie, she looks like a fleshy Stratocaster and she has big feelings about being attached to the hip of a rock star named Flare.
Long-running online shooter Warframe’s Techrot Encore update amps up an already strange game by introducing, yes, a living guitar. That’s also a flamethrower.
In a world with eldritch child soldiers, a bending space-time continuum and robotic romance, it’s hard to add new weirdness. A moody guitar with a penchant for instant messaging completely changes the game.
While the Hex’s story may have largely concluded at the end of the first major Warframe 1999 update, the new protoframes and Lizzie are about to unfold an entirely new story.
Here’s everything we know about this bizarre new Warframe character.
Read more: Warframe 1999 Is About Time Travel, Love and Eldritch Gods – and It’s Fantastic
Lizzie is going to be an important part of Temple’s story
The KIM instant messaging system will be integral to learning more about Lizzie and Flare.
When players first meet the nonbinary rock legend and their instrument, their relationship will have a serious rift. Lizzie was born of the Helminth serum injected into Flare — the same strain of infection that turned them into the Temple protoframe. This sapient infestation was forced onto the rock star, and they’re inherently suspicious of the outcome.
Lizzie has the capacity to feel, think and reason, but that doesn’t mean Flare trusts their new forced companion. Neither party necessarily believes that the other is doing what’s in their mutual best interest, especially since Flare’s mind is clouded with anger as they try to get revenge on the man who killed their bandmates.
That doesn’t mean the relationship will be broken forever. Flare and Lizzie will be available as new conversation partners on the KIM instant messenger system, where players will have a chance to build chemistry with the new characters and help them overcome their inner turmoils.
Temple and Lizzie might not wage road war, but they look like they belong on the Fury Road.
The guitar is a sentient instrument of destruction
This machine kills fascists. Flare and Lizzie might not be chums when players first run across them, but that doesn’t mean the guitar isn’t integral to the rock star’s kit of abilities in-game as the Warframe Temple. Each time players activate one of Temple’s abilities on beat with their built-in metronome, Lizzie grows stronger.
When enough abilities are strung together, Temple can unleash their guitar with Exalted Solo, transforming Lizzie into a flamethrower to scorch surrounding enemies. If you’ve ever seen Mad Max: Fury Road, Temple is just like the dude who hypes up Immortan Joe’s warband — but far deadlier.
If Temple fires the flamethrower on the beat of the metronome, electric sparks will fly, dealing additional elemental damage to enemies caught in the area of effect.
Lizzie can be modded in the player’s arsenal just like other exalted weapons, meaning she’ll be a potent weapon that will scale up with Warframe ability strength. Players will be able to shred through enemies when Temple and Lizzie release on March 19.