Looking for the most recent Connections answers? Click here for today’s Connections hints, as well as our daily answers and hints for The New York Times Mini Crossword, Wordle, Connections: Sports Edition and Strands puzzles.
Today’s Connections puzzle includes a purple category that expects users to fill in a two-word phrase. I generally read all the puzzle words and mentally list the phrases they could be part of, then look for other words that also work in those phrases. It helps me to say the words aloud, but your mileage may vary. Read on for clues and today’s Connections answers.
The Times now has a Connections Bot, like the one for Wordle. Go there after you play to receive a numeric score and to have the program analyze your answers. Players who are registered with the Times Games section can now nerd out by following their progress, including number of puzzles completed, win rate, number of times they nabbed a perfect score and their win streak.
Read more: Hints, Tips and Strategies to Help You Win at NYT Connections Every Time
Hints for today’s Connections groups
Here are four hints for the groupings in today’s Connections puzzle, ranked from the easiest yellow group, to the tough (and sometimes bizarre) purple group.
Yellow group hint: Throw.
Green group hint: Encircle.
Blue group hint: Want to buy some cookies?
Purple group hint: Singing partner of Oates.
Answers for today’s Connections groups
Yellow group: Hurl.
Green group: Be on both sides of.
Blue group: Parts of a classic Girl Scout uniform.
Purple group: ____ hall.
Read more: Wordle Cheat Sheet: Here Are the Most Popular Letters Used in English Words
What are today’s Connections answers?
The completed NYT Connections puzzle for March 28, 2025, #656.
The yellow words in today’s Connections
The theme is hurl. The four answers are chuck, pelt, pitch and sling.
The green words in today’s Connections
The theme is be on both sides of. The four answers are bookend, bracket, flank and surround.
The blue words in today’s Connections
The theme is parts of a classic Girl Scout uniform. The four answers are badge, beret, sash and skirt.
The purple words in today’s Connections
The theme is ____ hall. The four answers are bingo, city, Monty and study.
Toughest Connections puzzles
We’ve made a note of some of the toughest Connections puzzles so far. Maybe they’ll help you see patterns in future puzzles.
#5: Included “things you can set,” such as mood, record, table and volleyball.
#4: Included “one in a dozen,” such as egg, juror, month and rose.
#3: Included “streets on screen,” such as Elm, Fear, Jump and Sesame.
#2: Included “power ___” such as nap, plant, Ranger and trip.
#1: Included “things that can run,” such as candidate, faucet, mascara and nose.