Samsung officially unveiled its much-anticipated Galaxy S25 series at Galaxy Unpacked 2025 on 22 January. The company launched three devices under the series including vanilla Galaxy S25, Galaxy S25 Plus, and high-end premium Galaxy S25 Ultra. All three smartphones are launched with several AI features and enhancements that will change how we look at and perceive AI in the 21st century. Some of the features donning the smartphones are exclusively limited to the Galaxy S25 series including Now Brief Widget and the Audio Eraser.
We have been using the Galaxy S25 Ultra for the past few days and here’s our detailed analysis of the top AI features that made available to the devices:
Here’s the list of top AI features in Galaxy S25 Ultra:
Now Brief:
Now Brief is the exclusive feature of the Galaxy S25 Ultra which is one of the standout features in the smartphone. It is an AI-driven tool that will allow users to have personalized summaries as per their preferences. The feature adapts to your daily schedule and will present timely and accurate AI-compiled information. The feature can give you a brief overview of your morning routine, and recent notifications, schedule upcoming events, and provide you the current weather updates. Additionally, users can also utilize this feature to set their preferred locations on Google Maps.
You have select:
The AI select feature includes Text Summarization and GIF creation. Both these features are helpful in their unique way. You can access this tool from the edge panel of the Galaxy S25 Ultra. The Text summarization provides you the summary of the article or story you are reading online. However, the GIF creation feature allows you to take a screenshot of a video or a movie you are watching and convert it into a GIF.
Cross-App Actions:
This feature has been embedded in collaboration with Google’s Gemini AI. The feature works in a way where Gemini will analyze the on-screen content you are watching and will summarize the YouTube video. In addition, it will also save the key points from the video and will save it in your Samsung Notes. It can also look up information about a place and will share the information with your friend via text while getting you updated about the location simultaneously.
These are some more AI features that we will discuss in our detailed review!
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