What is the Aim of Economic Blackout Day?
“For one day we show them who really holds the power.”
That is the leading message behind Friday’s Economic Blackout Day, with The People’s Union USA positing that disrupting the economy for just one day will send a powerful message to corporations that have “driven up prices, underpaid their workers, and outsourced jobs while raking in record profits”.
While the the organization’s website doesn’t state any specific desired outcomes, it talks about its aims to unionize the people and take back power. By disrupting the trade of large companies, it seems, it hopes to effect real change for consumers and workers.
“For decades, corporations, politicians, and industries have worked together to rig the system against the American people. They have built an economy designed to exploit workers, suppress wages, and keep the majority of us in a constant state of struggle. These are the forces that have stolen our financial freedom, manipulated our government, and kept power in the hands of the wealthy elite.” – The People’s Union USA
The organization calls the boycott its ‘first action’, with longer blackouts and other avenues set to be explored if corporations don’t listen and respond to its message.