Given the global sensation it has developed, Word has a remarkably humble origin. The puzzle was perfected during the COVID lockdown by Josh Wardle, a software engineer based in New York, who just wanted a game “that me and my partner can enjoy.”
Wardle released Word presented to the general public in October 2021, and it quickly developed a devoted following in the English-speaking world. Some fans shared their results and compared strategies on social media every day.
In January 2022, Wardle was sold Word Unpleasant The New York Times for an undisclosed seven-figure sum, although the game remained free-to-play.
Speak with NewsweekErhan Aslan, a linguist who teaches at the University of Reading in the United Kingdom, offered some tips Word players.
He said: “One thing I think is important in this game is the chosen starting word. Starting with words that contain common vowels, for example e and a, consonants such as r and t, and sound sequences can be helpful. For example, choosing a word that starts with q, z, j, or x may not be the best choice.
The word game Wordle will be shown on mobile on January 12, 2022 in Houston. Newsweek has some hints and tips to help you solve Sunday’s Wordle puzzle.
Brandon Bell/GETTY
“As you get more feedback after a few guesses, users should use some knowledge of phonetics to narrow down or eliminate some words they might be thinking. For example, if the second letter of the target word is l (indicated by green) and the player senses that the word begins with a consonant, he will have to know that only a few consonant clusters are possible (such as bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl).”
The answer to Sunday’s puzzle will be revealed at the end of this article, so scroll down carefully if you want to find out for yourself.
‘Wordle’ #1,289, Directions for Sunday, December 29
Newsweek has put together five clues to help you solve today’s problems Word brainteaser.
Tip #1: The answer contains two vowels.
Tip #2: The first and third letters are the same.
Tip #3: Associated with dancing.
Tip #4: Consider the Caribbean.
Tip #5: One of the first three letters of the alphabet is present.
‘Wordle’ #1,289, Reply for Sunday, December 29
The answer to today’s question Word puzzle is ‘mambo’.
Well, that was a tough one! An unusual word, although the two common vowels helped a bit.
Have you discovered it? If so, congratulations, but don’t be put off if it isn’t. One of the best things about it Word is to see if you can improve your results over time and Newsweek will be back on Monday with another round of hints and tips.
What does ‘Mambo’ mean?
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “mambo” as “a ballroom dance of Cuban origin similar to the rumba and the cha-cha.”