On Thursday, Xiaomi confirmed that the Xiaomi Band 8 Pro will be launched in China on August 14, alongside the Xiaomi MIX Fold 3 and Xiaomi Pad 6 Max 14. The new band, positioned as the company’s next-generation fitness tracker, boasts a 1.74-inch screen with a refresh rate of up to 60Hz, a color range of 16.7 million colors, and a pixel density of 336 PPI. Images on Xiaomi’s Weibo account reveal that the Band 8 Pro offers a larger screen ratio compared to its predecessor, the Band 7 Pro, which was launched last year. In addition to its enhanced display, the new wearable will offer customizable band strap options, including silicone, leather, and metal. Sources indicate that users can anticipate features such as GPS support, NFC, heart rate detection, Spo2 (blood oxygen saturation) monitoring, water resistance, and an improved battery. [IThome, in Chinese]