Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi unveiled its latest foldable model, the Mix Fold 3, during a launch event on Monday. While the global release date is yet to be announced, the new device is scheduled to debut in China on August 16th, starting at RMB 8,999 ($1,237). In contrast to its predecessor, last year’s Mix Fold 2, the Mix Fold 3 boasts a slimmer profile, measuring 5.26mm when unfolded and 10.86mm when folded. It features Samsung’s dual E6 OLED displays and a 4,800mAh battery, with an 8.03-inch inner screen and a 6.56-inch outer screen. The Mix Fold 3 comes equipped with a quad-camera system incorporating Leica optics, consisting of a 50MP Sony IMX800 main camera, a 12MP ultrawide camera, a 10MP telephoto camera, and a 10MP periscope camera. It is powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset, offering up to 16GB of RAM and 1TB of storage. Presently, it’s available in two color variants: black and gold. [IThome, in Chinese]