On Monday, Xiaomi launched its largest tablet, the Pad 6 Max, featuring a 14-inch LCD panel. The 14-inch screen is equivalent to a portable notebook and is 62% larger than the company’s Pad 6 and Pad 6 Pro, which both offer an 11-inch screen. Powered by a Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 chipset, the new pad boasts 2,880 x 1,800px resolution, HDR10, Dolby Vision support, 600nits brightness, and durable Gorilla Glass 5. It runs on a 10,000mAh battery, which the firm claims can last for two days of regular use. The device also claims a heat dissipation area of 15,839mm², allowing the device to handle games with a lower risk of overheating. The Pad 6 Max comes in two editions, black and silver, and is priced from RMB 3,599 ($495) for the basic 8GB/256GB model. [IThome, in Chinese]