5 Ways to Use Instagram Polls to Increase Engagement
Here are five ways to boost engagement using Instagram Poll stickers:
Promote a Blog Post, Article, or Guide
Create Suspense for an Upcoming Launch or Collab
Gather Feedback from Your Community
Play a Game of “This or That”
Educate Your Community
Idea #1: Promote a Blog Post, Article, or Guide
Recently dropped a blog or informational guide? Create a fun quiz about the topic using the Instagram Poll sticker.
Once you’ve got them hooked, round off your final Story with a link sticker inviting your audience to learn more.
By creatively introducing your audience to your content, you’re bound to drive more traffic to your site.
DID YOU KNOW: You can also drive traffic to your blog or website by popping the link in your Instagram bio using ’s Linkin.bio tool.
Idea #2: Create Suspense for an Upcoming Launch or Collab
If you have something exciting in the works, teasing the news with an Instagram Poll can help build excitement.
For brands launching a new product, try sharing a photo or short video with a poll asking your community if they want to see more.
If you’re a creator teaming up with another creator for a collab, create a poll inviting your community to guess what you’re working on together.
TIP: Add a countdown sticker to your Instagram Story so followers get a notification when your launch or collab goes live.
Instagram Polls are a fun and informal way to learn what your audience wants.
From gauging interest about new content ideas to collecting feedback on a potential partnership — let them know you value their opinion.
For example, creator Jaclyn Forbes shared an Instagram Story asking her followers if they were interested in shopping her outfit.
When 92% of voters tapped “yes”, she posted Stories with links to shop her OOTD.
The takeaway? Give your followers the reins and let them guide your next post.
Choose one: scheduling your posts in advance, or posting on the fly?
Everyone loves a lighthearted poll, and a game of “This or That” is the perfect avenue to learn more about your audience.
Simply poll two similar options and invite them to choose their preference:
Curious about your community’s skincare routine? Ask them if they prefer sheet masks or clay masks.
And if you’re wondering whether they think pineapple belongs on pizza, ask them in a poll (for the record… it doesn’t).
How much does your community know about you and your niche? Test their knowledge with a handful of polls.
For example, if you’re a sneaker brand, quiz your followers about different shoe styles.
Bonus points if you plug your products too!
Gamifying the education process can help generate engagement and conversations in your DMs. Plus, it creates another way to interact with your followers.
And there you have it!
Whether you’re looking to build brand awareness or learn more about your target audience, creating polls are a great engagement-driver.
So, are you ready to experiment with Instagram Poll stickers?
We have a feeling you’re voting “Yes.”
ICYMI: You can plan, schedule, and publish your Instagram Stories in advance with . Create an account today: