On Wednesday, Chinese voice recognition software company iFlytek launched its new generation flagship smart office notebook, the X3. Equipped with the company’s self-developed generative language model, Spark, the new device features advanced AI functions, including automatic meeting transcription, work report generation, and multi-person speech recognition. The notebook offers a 10.65-inch E-Ink display with a resolution of 300 ppi and includes a Wacom electromagnetic pen, providing users with a smooth paper writing experience. In terms of dialect recognition and translation, the X3, which includes eight microphones, supports the recognition of up to 12 dialects and the translation of 7 foreign languages. Additionally, the new smart bar design addresses the issue of slow page-turning on the e-ink screen. The X3 is now available in China with a starting price of RMB 4,999 ($693). [Tech Media Telecom]