OnePlus launched its OnePlus 13 series in India on 7 January including the OnePlus 13 and OnePlus 13R with powerful specifications and features. Now the first sale of OnePlus took place on 10 January. However, the OnePlus 13R first ale started today on 13 January at 12 PM. The company has partnered with Amazon for the sale of the OnePlus 13R. The smartphone comes with several interesting features such as a 6,000mAh massive battery, a 6.78-inch 120Hz ProXDR AMOLED display, a telephoto lens, and many more. Let’s see what are the deals and discounts buyers can get on the newly launched OnePlus 13R.
OnePlus 13R First Sale:
OnePlus 13R’s first sale started today on 13 January at 12 PM. The smartphone is launched in two storage variants: 12GB+256GB and 16GB+512GB. The 12GB+256GB is priced at Rs 42,999. However, the top-end variant 16GB+512GB is available at Rs 46,999. OnePlus 13R is available in two color options including Astral Trail and Nebula Noir.
You can head straight to the official as well as Amazon to buy OnePlus 13R in India. ICICI bank is offering Rs 3000 off on the smartphone making it available in less than Rs 40,000. Additionally, you can also get an exchange offer on the smartphone of up to Rs 4000. There’s a discount of Rs 1500 on SBI bank credit cards and a no-cost EMI of Rs 3374 on selected credit cards.
OnePlus 13R Specifications:
OnePlus 13R is powered by Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor and runs on Android 15. It features a 6.78-inch ProXDR AMOLED display with up to 4500 Nits brightness and 120Hz refresh rate. OnePlus 13R is equipped with a triple rear camera including a 50MP Sony LYT-700 primary camera, a 50MP telephoto sensor, and an 8MP ultra-wide sensor. For clicking selfies and video calling, there’s a 16MP Sony IMX480 front camera. To power the phone, the company has given a 6000mAh battery and 80W SUPERVOOC charging support.
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