WhatsApp keeps on releasing new features to enhance the user experience. Now the Meta-owned giant is working towards bringing a new feature. As per the report, the new feature is Badge Count. The feature will allow users to have numerical numbers with their chat filters.
Let’s see what this feature is all about:
WhatsApp Badge count for chat filters
Badge count for chat filters feature is rolling out in WhatsApp. It will show users a small numerical badge along with chat filters. This will let you know how many chats are in that filter. For example, if you have 6 unread chats in your chat list, then 6 will appear along with Unread in Chat Filters. This will let you know that you have not read 6 chats yet.
WABetainfo, a website that keeps an eye on the upcoming features of WhatsApp has spotted this feature. According to the report, the WhatsApp beta for Android update available on Google Play Store has revealed that the company is rolling out the badge count feature for Chat Filters. However, this feature is currently being rolled out for some lucky beta testers of Android. With the upcoming update, the feature will be rolled out for all users on the stable version.
To recall, the instant messaging platform added several features in the past weeks. One of them is the scheduled events for particular chats. Earlier users could only schedule events in group chat. The feature was spotted in the WhatsApp beta for Android update available on the Google Play Store. The update brings the upcoming feature to the forefront giving an idea about the recent expansion of the upcoming feature. But you can discover a preview anytime soon.
Another feature was to scan documents which will now make the document-sharing experience more comfortable and pleasant. The feature enables users to seamlessly scan documents directly within the app. With the help of leveraging your smartphone camera, you can now swiftly capture documents and preview the scan. Additionally, you can also adjust the margins for a clean and crisp output.
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