Fisk has changed
This is one of the main pieces of information from the Daredevil Born Again trailer. At the end of the third season of Daredevilwe had left a Wilson Fisk in discomfiture following his new rout against the devil of Hell’s Kitchen but especially in prison. You must therefore have followed the events of the series Hawkeye et Echo to understand how the Caidspared by the snap of Thanoswas able to recover from this defeat. It is also at the end ofEcho that we learn of Fisk’s political intentions and his desire to become the new mayor of New York. This situation is far from being an invention on the part of Marvel Televisionsince Fisk has indeed embraced this function in the comics in the arc “Mayor Fish”.
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Matt has given up on the devil…
Here too, the trailer does not take long to reveal this other fact to us. At the beginning of Daredevil Born Again, Matt Murdock put away his costume. It’s over with the dual identity of the lawyer, who we last saw twirling around for the last time in the MCU in the series Echo. Obviously, the person concerned will return to service, as the trailer shows later. It will be interesting to know the reasons which pushed him to give up. And what will trigger his big comeback.
…and crossed the red line?
One of the important and powerful moments of this first trailer for Daredevil: Born Again is none other than the exchange in a restaurant between Matt Murdock and the Kingpin. Exchange also at the initiative of the first – “thank you for taking the time to see me” – which is reminiscent of the impressive face-to-face of the two characters in prison in season 2 of the old series Netflix.

To Wilson Fisk’s question, “why did you stop playing vigilante”, Matt Murdock replies: “a milestone has been reached”. What course is he talking about? If we refer to previous seasons (and the comics), Daredevil is a character in perpetual duality with himself, on his thirst for violence and on the limits that he must never exceed. Has Matt Murdock gotten out of control? Worse, would he have killed someone while wanting to do justice, breaking one of his principles? After all, in the comics, the character has already crossed the line.
Bullseye is back, but not only
Incarnated in the cinema by Colin Farrell (who remembers the target engraved on his forehead?), the character of Bullseye (The Shooter) was introduced in the MCU in season 3 of Daredevil. This is Benjamin Poindexter, an FBI agent but above all an exceptional shooter who never misses his target. Totally mentally unstable, he is manipulated by Fisk who sees him as a weapon capable of bringing down Daredevil.

In the finale of season 3, and in a fight involving Matt Murdock, Fisk and himself, the Shooter is thrown violently against a wall by the Kingpin, the latter thus breaking his spine. We left the character in the image on an operating table, suggesting a possible return on his part. It is now done. Bullseye is shown in prison garb in the trailer and standing tall. In the comics, his back is repaired with implants… of adamantium, a fictional metal from the Marvel universe linked to Wolverine and which will be officially introduced into the MCU in Captain America: Brave New World.
A new romance for Matt
We only see her in two shots but that’s enough to send a message: Matt Murdock is going to be in love again and have a romance. It will be with Heather Glennan existing character in the comics Daredevil. In particular, she supports Matt financially in his duties as a lawyer. To see the twist chosen by Marvel for this romance between the two characters in the series.

Vanessa is still there
He’s nothing without her and it’s not us who say that but him from his crush on her in the first season of Daredevil. Vanessa, the Kingpin’s love and wife, is back and still played by Ayelet Zurer. The mayor of New York never gave up on her, who has not been seen since the end of the events of season 3 and Fisk’s stay in prison.

The Punisher is there too and he has long hair
He too is back and it’s no surprise since his presence was made official a while ago. Frank Castle is back, still with Jon Bernthal to bring him to life and always with this penchant for striking first and discussing later, as evidenced by this sequence where Matt Murdock, in contact with him, asks him to put down the machete he has in his hand. The return of the character is all the more important as a new series centered on him would also be in the pipeline.

Muse shows up (but there will be no concert)
He’s the stranger in the group and the one to whom all eyes will turn in a few weeks. Muse is the big bad guy of this series and we can see him in images for a few seconds. This is a relatively new character in Marvel comics (2016).

Muse is a psychopath who considers the human body a work of art. He uses the blood of his victims to create his paintings and other creations. He has extraordinary skills, including superhuman strength and agility. Above all, he has the ability to hide, by absorbing all sensory information around him.. Enough to complicate Daredevil’s life in short.
Daredevil invested in a dressing room
We had already been treated to a new costume for the devil of Hell’s Kitchenyellow, in the series She-Hulk. There, the trailer shows us part of the superhero’s new array of clothing, with a shot showing us five distinct helmets placed prominently. Each of them seems to have a meaning and a direct connection to an era of the hero’s journey in the comics.

So if we find the yellow helmet (the costume had been made from his father Jack Murdock’s boxing clothes and was Daredevil’s debut outfit) and the iconic red helmet (in two versions), we also see a black helmet, reference to the outfit worn by Daredevil in the comics Shadowlandplot in which Matt finds himself leader of… the Hand, as well as a gray helmet.
White Tiger is in the place
Just like The Punisher or Muse, his presence is anything but a surprise. This superhero draws his powers from a series of mystical artifacts, the Tiger amulets, which allow him to have superhuman speed, agility, strength and senses. In the comics, White Tiger has had several identities and most often that of a woman. It remains to be seen which version Marvel Television will choose to introduce into the MCU. At first glance, it would be Hector Ayala who would slip into the costume.

The MCU fait sa promo
Finally, how can we not end with the wide shot of Times Square, which supports the reality of Wilson Fisk as mayor of New York? This shot is a real nod to Marvel comics and to this page present in Daredevil n°595, which shows the Caid in fanfare on the screens of Times Square, already.
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Daredevil 595 artwork by Stefano Landini and Matt Milla. Written by Charles Soule and Letters by Clayton Cowles. Was reminded of this today
— Daredevil (@manwithoutfear) January 15, 2025
In the trailer, the visual gives us some references to MCU. We see an advertisement for the musical on the Avengers, Rogers the Musicalfeatured in the series Hawkeye.

Right next to it, there is an advertising spot for a drink, Pingo Docee, which we see in particular in Ant-Man, Deadpool & Wolverine but also in the fire cameo Stan Lee in theIncredible Hulk. Antmanagain, is also there, with the presence of the fondation Pym van Dynewhich sponsors a sign wishing the New Year. As a reminder, the foundation in question replaces the company Pym Technologies recovered by Hope van Dyne (the Wasp), a fact revealed in Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumaniawith the aim of using Pym particles in humanitarian campaigns.
We remind you: Daredevil Born Again arrives on March 5 on Disney +.
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