Yesterday we were chatting with José Andrés García, Country Manager of Qlik in Iberia, When a year is run by the company in Spain. Among other things, the manager explained that the company’s strategy is to continue advancing in the markets of the Data integration and analyticssectors where Qlik has years of experience.
«We are positioned as an end to end, complete and agnostic tool, one of the great values that differentiates us from the competition »Garcia said. «We believe that growth will come from the entire part of data integration, where we have been working for the last 8 years«, He concluded
Study on artificial intelligence
The meeting also served to present the results of a survey that Qlik has made more than 250 managers and senior executives of related projects With AI in Spain. In this survey, which are the barriers that are hindering the progress of this technology have been revealed.
The lack of qualification in this recent technology, the problems of governance and the shortage of resources impede that its implementation is carried out successfully, which makes many projects remain stagnant in the planning phases. Multinational companies are choosing to use the “ready to use” solutions and see a return of investment.
The study reveals that 86% of those responsible for the decision -making interviewee consider that AI is absolutely essential or very important to achieve strategic objectives or increase benefits. Despite this recognition of the importance of AI, Few projects pass from the planning phase to the completion or implementation, and many are discarded. In fact, 37% of Spanish companies have between 11 and 50 AI projects in the definition or planning phase, which are not yet real projects. 27% have had up to 50 projects at some point of development, but they have stopped them completely.
In order for organizations to make profitable the investment made in this technology and provide better service to their customers, it is essential that they can develop more AI projects from the planning phase to its implementation. Given the difficulty of bringing them to fruition, many of the respondents (68%) They see greater value in the “Ready-Made” solutions.
The most argued barriers
There are multiple factors that these projects of AI slowdown or block totally, being the most important those that have to do with regulation (24%), followed by the lack of competencies and skills of the workforce to develop them (23%). The AI is nourished by data and if these are not of the right quality, you can find errors, biases or hallucinations. 21% say they do not trust their data to work with AI.
Speaking of trustmore than a third (32%) states that senior managers do not trust this technology, and 50% believe that the rest of the employees do not do so either. Outside the company, one fifth (23%) believes that their clients also trust AI either. And what is more worrying, 63% say that this lack of trust is significantly reducing investment in AI in their company.
Train workers in the development and use of artificial intelligence It is another way to generate trust and ensure that these projects go beyond planning and successfully implant. At the national level, 55% of those responsible believe that Spain has potential to lead this scope of competencies in the next five years. To achieve this, 76% believe that their industries must improve in the training and recycling of AI skills, and 74% think that the government must provide more financing and training in AI.
“This study shows that companies are knowledgeable about the value of artificial intelligence, but they must face a series of obstacles, which complicates them to make the leap that goes from the concept test to An effective deployment that generates tangible value. For this, it is essential to have a definite strategy where the short -term objectives are reflected in the short term, as well as the needs and challenges that are presented both at the data and infrastructure level, as well as internal culture. Step by step and forming people we can generate more confidence in AI”Said José Andrés García.