Turnover: € 325.8 million (an increase of 1.1% compared to FY 2023).
Net income: € 30.5 million (an increase of 5.6% compared to FY 2023).
Profit margin: 9.4% (an increase of 9.0% in FY 2023).
EPS: € 1.80 (from € 1.72 in FY 2023).
All figures shown in the graph above are for the 12 -month period (TTM)
The turnover was in line with estimates of the analysts. Profit per share (EPS) missed analyst estimates with 6.1%.
Looking ahead, the turnover will grow on average by 2.2% PA over the next 3 years compared to a growth gaming of 11% for the software industry in Germany.
Implementation of the German software industry.
The shares of the company fell by 3.1% compared to a week ago.
You always have to think about risks. A good example, we have seen 1 Warning signal for software for people and mechanically You must be aware of.
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