Alphabet this Trying again to Buy the cybersecurity company in the Wiz cloud. The initial negotiations to reach an agreement with their address were interrupted last summer, but the Google matrix does not give up and has resumed them again. At this time, according to the Wall Street Journal, they are already in an advanced phase, and Alphabet would be willing to pay up to 30,000 million dollars for keeping the company.
Apparently, the closure of the agreement could be announced shortly. If so, this purchase, which would be Alphabet’s largest so far, could place the company along with other technological, such as Microsoft or Amazon, in terms of Security Cloud, one of the most relevant areas of the Cloud Computing sector, one of the most competitive today.
In this way it would remedy one of its main barriers to compete equally with both technological ones: the safety of the elements that their customers have in the cloud, as well as their cloud services they use.
The details of the operation, apart from the Price they are willing to pay in Alphabet to add Wiz to their portfolio of products and services, are still unknown. In addition, they are not yet completely defined, and could change. For now, none of the parties wanted to make statements about them.
For Wiz, the agreement would be a complete turn to the strategy started after rejecting the last offer that Google made for them. It was in July, and the company’s management rejected $ 23,000 million for the sale. Then they traced a plan to remain independent, and even began to devise a plan to process a future IPO.
Among the reasons for Wiz and its investors to reject the operation then were the concern about a long approval process by the different regulatory entities responsible for monitoring the competition. Above all, by those of the United States and those of the European Union.
The amount could also be a reason for not accepting the purchase. He CEO De Wiz, Assaf Rappaporthe described her on her modest day, although she also expressed her desire to make her a giant of independent cybersecurity, with the aim of competing with companies such as Crowdstrike or Palo Alto Networks.