After the rescue kit of the Red Cross, it is another emergency device that could be generalized in France. To anticipate the risks, the French government would plan to send to all French citizens a survival book in an emergency. According to information d’Europe 1this emergency manual would detail all “Good gestures to adopt in the event of an imminent threat in France“.
Prepare for any eventuality
Faced with the multiplication of threats, the government intends to deal with all eventualities. THE armed conflict is obviously in sight, but the manual is not limited to it, also giving pride of place to natural disasters such as floods or even to the possibility of a new health epidemic. “” “The objective is to tell the French to prepare for any eventuality and not only for armed conflict. French doctrine being deterrence, it would be counterproductive to focus only on the armed conflict and to put it only in the head of the French“, Specifies a government source at the microphone of Europe 1.
A survival kit to protect oneself
About twenty pages, the government survival guide revolves in three distinct parts. The first, intends to train the French in the first gestures of protection, by raising awareness of the concept of solidarity. She will not only aim to protect herself, but also to protect vulnerablelike children, neighbors … Practical advice will in particular keep emergency numbers and those around him if necessary.
Also, a survival kit will be recommendedon the model of that recommended by the Red Cross last year. Indispensable in the event of a crisis, it includes six liters of bottled water, cans, batteries, torch lamps, and everything you need to hold a few confined days in the event of a major problem. On the pharmacy side, the kit will have to contain paracetamol, compresses, but also a physiological serum. Again, it will be a question of preparing effectively rather than creating a general psychosis.
In the event of an imminent threat
The second part of the booklet will be devoted to gestures to adopt in the event of direct threat. The chapter will recall the emergency numbers, and will detail the procedure to follow according to the typology of crisis. In particular, it will be a question of caulking the openings, and of knowing the frequencies of rescue. The last part, finally, will act official call for military effort. She will explain how to register in an armed, digital or municipal reserve, with the objective of recruiting young people, but not only.
Inspired by the Swedish model, this survival guide in the event of a major crisis should soberly be called “Instruction manual in case of crisis“.
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