Óscar López, Minister for Digital Transformation and Public Function yesterday inaugurated the Aslan Congress. The appointment that will be extended 3 days in this edition will bring together representatives of public and private entities. Under the title “IA + Digital Innovation: Great challenges and opportunities”, the appointment hopes to attract more than 8,000 attendees and 150 speakers.
The inauguration was marked by the Opening speech of the Minister for Digital Transformation and Public FunctionÓscar López, who stressed that “Spain is the digital hub of southern Europe and an ideal country for responsible innovation”.
For his part, Alberto Pascual, president of @aslan, has underlined the importance of this Congress as a meeting space for the technological ecosystem in Spain:
“Every year, the Aslan Congress is consolidated as a reference forum where strategic opportunities and alliances are generated for the impulse of digitalization. This event not only allows to analyze the tendencies and technological challenges, but also reinforces the collaboration between companies and administrations to advance together towards a more competitive and safe digital future”.
Within the Aslan Congress, many of the technological market reference companies are represented: Lenovo, AWS, Dell, Google Cloud, Ovhcloud or HP in addition to a wide representation of wholesalers such as Esprinet/V-Valley, Exclusive Networks, MCR or Also and Consultants such as Ineum, IAAS365. A long list to complete the more than 100 suppliers present.
During these three days (March 18, 19 and 20), the Aslan Congress has scheduled activities for all tastes. From the Expo space to conferences in different spaces where digital transformation will be treated from different technological prisms.