WhatsApp continues to enhance its user experience by launching some or the other features. These features are not just innovative but practical too, keeping user engagement in mind. From dark mode to instant payment and augmented reality effects, WhatsApp has been tirelessly working to stay ahead in the game of user satisfaction. The tech giant keeps on working in order to meet the evolving needs of its vast user base.
In this regard recently, in October 2024, the Meta-owned platform launched a low-light video calling mode. The feature enabled users to apply filters and customize their backgrounds during video calls. With a relentless focus on enhancing user experience, the instant messaging platform has consistently demonstrated its commitment to innovation and user satisfaction.
In this article, we will delve into how Low-Light Video Calling Mode is used and what is its significance in daily interaction on the platform.
WhatsApp Low-light Video Calling Mode
As the name suggests, WhatsApp’s Low-light Video Calling mode improves the video call experience of users. This feature will provide users with great video quality in low light. Through this feature, WhatsApp users will now be able to make WhatsApp video calls even at night or in low lighting. This feature has been released for Android and iOS users.
How to use Low Light Mode on WhatsApp Video Call
STEP1: First of all open WhatsApp on your smartphone.
STEP2: After this, make a video call to any of your friends.
STEP3: To use Low-Light Video Calling mode during video calls, you have to make your video feed full-screen.
STEP4: After this, a bulb icon will appear on the top corner, tap on it.
STEP5: As soon as you tap on this icon, your video quality will shine even in low light.
In this way, you can improve your video quality by turning on low-light video calling mode during WhatsApp video calls.
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