Apple cut the prices of its iPhone 14 series and pulled the iPhone 14 Pro series off shelves on its official website in China after launching the iPhone 15 lineup on September 13. Prices for the 128, 256, and 512 gigabyte versions of the iPhone 14 were reduced by RMB 600 ($83), RMB 500 ($69), and RMB 300 ($41.5), respectively. Prices for the 128, 256, and 512 gigabyte versions of the iPhone 14 Plus were reduced by RMB 1,000, RMB 900, and RMB 700, respectively. When Apple launched the iPhone 14 lineup in 2022, it also cut the prices of the iPhone 13 by RMB 300 to RMB 600 in the Chinese market. [TechNode reporting]