With the rapid development of e-commerce, consumer expectations for online shopping experiences continue to rise. Virtual try-on technology, serving as a bridge between online shopping and physical store experiences, is fundamentally changing how consumers purchase clothing, cosmetics, and accessories. This article delves into how to build high-performance virtual try-on systems using WebGL and Three.js technologies, analyzing the technical challenges encountered during implementation and their solutions.
Market Value of Virtual Try-On Technology
According to data from Grand View Research, the global AR/VR retail market is expected to reach $120.45 billion by 2025, with a compound annual growth rate of 68.5%. As an important application scenario, virtual try-on is significantly improving conversion rates and reducing return rates:
Retailers implementing virtual try-on report conversion rates increased by over 40%
Average return rates decreased by 25%, significantly reducing operational costs
User engagement increased by 60%, with the average session duration doubling
WebGL and Three.js Foundation Architecture
WebGL Basic Capabilities
WebGL is a JavaScript API that allows rendering interactive 3D graphics in browsers without plugins. Based on OpenGL ES, it directly leverages GPU acceleration, with the following advantages:
// WebGL basic shader example
const vertexShaderSource = `
attribute vec4 aVertexPosition;
uniform mat4 uModelViewMatrix;
uniform mat4 uProjectionMatrix;
void main() {
gl_Position = uProjectionMatrix * uModelViewMatrix * aVertexPosition;
The Role of Three.js
Three.js, as a high-level wrapper for WebGL, greatly simplifies the complexity of 3D programming:
// Three.js scene initialization example
// Create a Three.js scene object to contain all 3D objects, lights, and cameras
const scene = new THREE.Scene();
// Create a perspective camera, with parameters:
// 1. Field of View (FOV) - 75 degrees, determining how wide the view is
// 2. Aspect ratio - using window's width/height ratio to ensure undistorted rendering
// 3. Near clipping plane - 0.1, the closest distance the camera can see
// 4. Far clipping plane - 1000, the farthest distance the camera can see
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000);
// Create WebGL renderer with antialiasing enabled for smoother edges
const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true });
// Set the renderer's canvas size to match the current browser window size
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
// Add the renderer's DOM element (canvas) to the HTML document body
// This allows the 3D content to be displayed on the webpage
Core Technical Implementation for Virtual Try-On Systems
1. Human Body Modeling and Tracking
An accurate human body model is the foundation of virtual try-on. We adopt a layered approach:
// TensorFlow.js-based pose estimation pseudocode
* Estimates body pose from video stream and converts to Three.js compatible model
* @param {HTMLVideoElement} video - Video element containing the person
* @return {Object} Converted Three.js model data
async function estimateBodyPose(video) {
// Load the PoseNet neural network model
// posenet.load() returns a Promise containing the initialized pose estimation model
const net = await posenet.load();
// Use the PoseNet model to estimate a single person's pose from the video frame
// estimateSinglePose method analyzes the video frame and returns keypoint coordinates
// flipHorizontal parameter set to true means horizontally flipping the input, making pose estimation more suitable for selfie view
const pose = await net.estimateSinglePose(video, {
flipHorizontal: true
// Convert the 2D pose data returned by PoseNet into 3D model data usable by Three.js
// This function (not defined in the code) maps keypoints to a 3D character skeleton
return convertPoseToThreeJSModel(pose);
2. Clothing Models and Physics Simulation
Clothing rendering needs to consider materials, lighting, and physical properties:
// Clothing material definition
// Create a physically-based material object for realistic simulation of clothing fabric appearance and optical properties
const clothMaterial = new THREE.MeshPhysicalMaterial({
// Base color (diffuse) map, defining the basic color and pattern of the fabric
map: textureLoader.load('fabric_diffuse.jpg'),
// Normal map, used to simulate surface bumps and details without increasing geometric complexity
normalMap: textureLoader.load('fabric_normal.jpg'),
// Roughness map, controlling how rough different parts of the material are, affecting how light is scattered
roughnessMap: textureLoader.load('fabric_roughness.jpg'),
// Ambient occlusion map (AO), enhancing wrinkle and shadow details, increasing fabric realism
aoMap: textureLoader.load('fabric_ao.jpg'),
// Set material to double-sided rendering, making both sides of the fabric visible, suitable for thin fabrics
side: THREE.DoubleSide,
// Enable transparency, allowing the material to have transparent effects
transparent: true,
// Set the degree of light transmission through the material, 0.15 indicates slight translucency, simulating fabrics like thin gauze
transmission: 0.15, // Transparency simulation
// Overall roughness value, 0.65 represents medium-high roughness, typical for fabric surface effects
roughness: 0.65,
// Metalness value, 0.05 indicates almost non-metallic material, suitable for most textile materials
metalness: 0.05,
3. Real-time Interaction and Collision Detection
A smooth virtual try-on experience requires efficient collision detection:
// Optimized collision detection algorithm pseudocode
function detectCollisions(clothMesh, bodyMesh) {
// Use spatial partitioning algorithm to optimize collision detection
const octree = new THREE.Octree({
undeferred: false,
depthMax: 8
for (const vertex of clothMesh.geometry.vertices) {
const collisions =, 0.5);
if (collisions.length > 0) {
// Handle collision response...
Performance Optimization Strategies
In our implementation, we encountered several severe performance challenges, especially on mobile devices:
1. LOD (Level of Detail) Implementation
// LOD implementation example
const lod = new THREE.LOD();
const highDetailModel = createHighDetailModel();
const mediumDetailModel = createMediumDetailModel();
const lowDetailModel = createLowDetailModel();
lod.addLevel(highDetailModel, 0); // Close distance
lod.addLevel(mediumDetailModel, 10); // Medium distance
lod.addLevel(lowDetailModel, 50); // Far distance
2. Shader Optimization
We optimized shaders for lighting and shadow calculations:
// Optimized fragment shader example
precision mediump float;
// Pre-computed lighting data
uniform sampler2D uLightMap;
uniform sampler2D uBaseTexture;
varying vec2 vUv;
void main() {
// Use pre-baked light maps instead of real-time calculations
vec4 lightingData = texture2D(uLightMap, vUv);
vec4 baseColor = texture2D(uBaseTexture, vUv);
gl_FragColor = baseColor * lightingData;
3. Worker Thread Separation
// Use Web Worker to offload complex calculations
const physicsWorker = new Worker('physics-worker.js');
type: 'simulate',
clothVertices: clothMesh.geometry.vertices,
bodyModel: serializeBodyModel()
physicsWorker.onmessage = function(e) {
Latest Research Directions
With ongoing advances in machine learning and computer graphics, we are exploring the following new directions:
- Neural Network-Accelerated Ray Tracing – Using deep learning to reduce ray tracing rendering costs
- Style Transfer for Clothing Customization – Intelligently applying user-uploaded patterns to 3D clothing models
- Mixed Reality (MR) Interactive Experiences – New shopping experiences combining AR and VR technologies
Conclusion and Demo Experience Platform
Virtual try-on technology is developing rapidly. By combining WebGL and Three.js, we can achieve high-performance 3D try-on experiences in ordinary browsers. This not only enhances the consumer shopping experience but also brings substantial business value to retailers.
Here is the optimized Demo Effect for those interested in experiencing it, or you can directly apply this technology to your platform through our Solution, as the development workload of a complete virtual system is too large for independent developers.
- Fernando, R., & Kilgard, M. J. (2003). The Cg Tutorial: The definitive guide to programmable real-time graphics. Addison-Wesley Professional.
- Dirksen, J. (2018). Three.js Cookbook. Packt Publishing.
- Marschner, S., & Shirley, P. (2018). Fundamentals of Computer Graphics. CRC Press.
- WebGL Fundamentals. (2021). Retrieved from
- Three.js Documentation. (2023). Retrieved from