The DoT or Department of Telecommunications in India has launched the Sanchar Saathi smartphone app. The application has been created to smoothen the reporting of fraudulent instances in communications. It will also allow users to flag any suspicious incidents directly from call logs. This will not only enhance security but also make the process convenient for the users.
As for the Sanchar Saathi portal, it was launched in May 2023 to tackle fraud calls along with increasing the mobile security factor. The smartphone app for Sanchar Saathi retains the founding values from the official website. And it also lets the user get a secure platform to protect their smartphone connections.
What the Sanchar Saathi app has to offer?
One of the key features offered by Sanchar Saathi is the Central Equipment Identity Register (CEIR) which helps users in blocking and tracing lost phones. Apart from that, the platform also offers Telecom Analytics for Fraud Management and Consumer Protection (TAFCOP) that assists in managing mobile connections and detecting unauthorized usage.
Apart from that, users can even check how many mobile connections are in their name disconnect the unnecessary ones from there, and even report the unauthorised ones. This step was a more than necessary one considering the surge in scams that are happening in India. And another important thing right now is digital awareness so that all the people who use smartphones know how to tackle when a scammer approaches them.
In 2024, we got to see more than a dozen types of scams out of which the Digital Arrest scam came out as the scariest ones. In these times, having an app to report any fishy calls is like a boon for regular smartphone users. Moreover, expectations are that the government of India will take more steps in the future to curb the ever-growing scams in India.
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