Google y Apple They have again Problems with compliance with the EU Digital Markets Law (DMA). The authorities of the Union, far from going back in their pressures to the great American technological ones, now backed by Trump, so that they comply with European laws, continue to advance in the investigations they have open against them.
Thus, the European Commission has communicated to Google that according to the preliminary resolution that follows an investigation carried out on its activities, the company gives a favor treatment to its search services in purchases, hotels and flights. In addition, he also pointed out that the Google parent company, Alphabet, has also violated the DMA rules preventing app developers in the Play Store can lead their clients to other distribution channels.
As a consequence, the company can face a considerable fine, in addition to having to make changes to comply with the regulations. But before you can appeal to avoid having to make changes. You can also do them without more before the Commission reaches a definitive verdict after the investigation, to try to reduce the amount of the sanction they will receive.
Google will have to make changes, and probably pay a fine
The European Union can fine companies that have violated the DMA with up to 10% of its global annual income, which according to Alphabet’s revenues in 2024 would involve a maximum sanction of 35 million dollars.
According to Teresa Ribera, EU executive vice president for a fair, clean and competitive transition«In the first case, our preliminary decision is that Alphabet violates the Digital Markets Law favoring its own products on the Google Search results page, which implies that suppliers and competitors do not benefit from fair classification practices«.
But in Alphabet, as expected, they do not agree, and believe that Europe is wrong with the changes they want to make in their searches. According to Oliver Bethell, Google competition director«If you cannot show travel results that lead people directly to the airline website, they usually end with a more expensive ticket, because airlines have to pay commissions to intermediary websites«. Bethell also emphasizes that changes have led to a traffic drop of up to 30% for some companies.
As for the obstacles that Google imposes on developers to be able to direct the users of the app to other more economical payments and options, Ribera points out that “Alphabet does not effectively allow Android telephone users to receive information from the developers of the apps about cheaper offers, or that they direct them towards them, outside the Google Play store.”
In this case, Bethell says that the discoveries of the Commission on the Distribution of Apps «They create a false possibility of choice between opening and security«. He also points out that the government is «Forcing to choose between a closed model, more similar to that of Apple iOS that needs apps to be reviewed before distribution, and an insecure one, which would give access to ffraudulent or malicious links that would take our users outside the safe play environment«.
Hanna Virkkunen, Vice President of Technological Sovereignty, Security and Democracy of the EUstressed that «Both practices have a negative impact on many European and non -European companies that depend on Google Search and Google Play to reach their users in the EU. Ensure that Alphabet meets the DMA is key to ensuring business and innovation opportunities to all digital service providers«.
This announcement comes after the EU opened an investigation to Google Search on March 25 of last year for doubts about whether it was dealing with its own services more favorably than third parties. Something for which the EU has already fined the company with 2.4 billion euros in 2017 for doing the same with Google Shopping.
Google has already made several changes to its search services to comply with the new rules of the Digital Markets Law. Among them, add new elements to the search results to boost links to third -party comparison websites, as well as eliminate Google Flights widget for EU searches.
Apple will have to make changes to iPhone to comply with the Digital Markets Law
As to Apple, The European Commission has already sent preliminary instructions on how it expects to adapt the iPhoneand above all its operating system, To comply with the Digital Markets Law. According to this law, device manufacturers and app developers should be able to access nine iOS connectivity functions that are currently restricted for Apple’s exclusive use.
Among them are Wi-Fi Peer-To-Peer connectivity, NFC functions and device matches. If they are allowed to do so, Bluetooth headphones, smart watches, connected televisions or any other device that is not Apple should work better with an iPhone.
These instructions are due to the opening of two specifications research procedures to Apple last September. One focuses on compliance with Apple’s interoperability requirements in allowing connected devices to access iOS connectivity functions. Among them, to notifications and up to devices.
The second refers to the interoperability requests made by apps developers on functions of iOS and ipados platforms. In this case, the Commission recommends better access to technical documentation, as well as better communication with external companies that use these functions. The EU asks here communication and update periodically, and a more predictable roadmap for the review of interoperability requests.
The EU is worried that Apple is not providing the same level of access to third -party connected devices so that they are integrated with their platforms to, for example, properly show notifications on the screen of a smart watch that is not from the company.
Apple is also not happy with the DMA, and directly accuses the EU of reached down with their businesses, since so far there is no other company considered as she gatekeepers that has had to undergo an inspection of procedures, like them.
The company, according to TechCrunch, sees the measures taken by the commission as contrary to innovation, and sees them as if with them public officials dedicated themselves to making micromanagement. They also point out that Block measures could limit what technologies and functions bring to the EUsince with the Digital Markets Law they will have to make all their innovations are immediately available for their rivals, in addition to having to invest time in tests and purification of third -party integrations before launching new functions in the EU.
Apple grabs security as an excuse to try not to make changes
Also Apple points out that PROCEDURES ON SPECIFICATIONS could lead to consequences unpleasant For the privacy and safety of its European userssince it says that the EU is asking to send data without encrypting third parties. They also point out that the interoperability requirements would force him to expose data from potentially sensitive users to external developers, who could use it to track and profile.
The company indicates that due to the interpretation that the EU makes of the law, they cannot take measures to protect the users of entities who want to use the Digital Markets Law to obtain access without work to their information for their own benefit.
Apple has also indicated that the EU has forbidden to offer users information about the potential risks that run when they access their iOS notifications through a third party devices. In this case, users will see an emerging window, but only with the question of their wish to receive notifications on the connected device, without more context.
In a statement in which they comment on the decision on the specifications and changes they will have to change, Apple has indicated that «lThus today’s decisions are buried in bureaucracy, delaying the ability to innovate Apple for Europe users, and force our new free functions to companies that do not have to play with the same rules. It is bad for our products and for our European users. We will continue working with the European Commission to help you understand our concerns in the name of our users«.