We said when the Cybertruck Tesla was presented than the larger and more disruptive electric car of Elon Musk’s company arrived with an important premium and with less autonomy of the fiancee.
Since then, sales have grown at an irregular pace. For a while it earned him to become the best-selling luxury vehicle in the United States but a few months later he found that they would not be able to continue selling the electric pick-up above $ 100,000 for an indefinite time.
What is clear is that Tesla Cybertruck has become something like an “image vehicle.” It is not a purchase based on rationality Well, it is not the most comfortable car and, much less, the most capable outside the asphalt. It is a purchase that aligns the driver with the most outgoing facet of Elon Musk’s products.
Part of the interest raised by Tesla Cybertruck is in its ability to adapt, supposedly, to any circumstance. His facet has been highlighted to spend a few days in the field (although his finishes to camperize the model leave much to be desired) and has unleashed the imagination of the owners to the point of transforming it into a tower with wheels and metrallet.
And with that last purpose, that of carrying out something unexpected, a company has proposed to increase the autonomy of electric car based on putting solar panels distributed throughout the body.
It doesn’t seem the best idea.
An extra ridiculous at a very high Price
The transformation of this Tesla Cybertruck could be seen live during the past CES of Las Vegas. There, the company Sunflare Solar presented the electric pick-up wrapped in flexible solar panels that aim to expand the completely electric autonomy of this electric car.
Or, rather, we should say that the case may be free of charge for a few kilometers. Few, if we take into account the price of the transformation and the results that are presented in the best conditions.
According to the company’s accounts, collected by ElectreckSunflare Solar promises to be able to travel a few extra kilometers daily for the modest price of $ 10,000. They believe that with their flexible panels distributed throughout the body can be obtained up to 1.5 kW extra daily. Assuming a consumption of 20 kWh/100 km, we would be talking about just 7.5 kilometers.
The figure is far from what Elon Musk who before launching his Tesla Cybertruck mentioned that it would be offered with the option of adding solar panels on the roof that would deliver up to 25 kilometers of extra autonomy. Something that obviously has not occurred.
Who could make sense for? Well, we could imagine that if we want to camp using the Tesla Cybertruck for our trip we can always use the vehicle to feed different devices. In that case, 1.5 kWh of extra power will always be of great help since we will not be draining the battery at all.
In fact, to the company that has presented this option specialized in the use of solar panels in the roofs of the houses but, also, in the ceiling of camperized vehicles, for example.
Of course, we must bear in mind that we are talking about an “improvement” that costs $ 10,000. And, to this we must add that the electric car was sold as a kind of vehicle to the proof of any damage. Its body, of steel, is designed to not suffer with the blows and cover the entire body of solar panels is to Buy all the ballots to leave us good money if someone brushes our vehicle.
The effectiveness of solar panels in vehicles is a pending task. At the moment, no one has managed to get a good enough performance for it to deserve to invest in technology. Manufacturers such as Mercedes continue to study their possibilities but, until now, everything has remained in an auxiliary element to feed the electrical devices of the vehicle without increasing consumption so the profit is minimal.
Photo | Tesla
In WorldOfSoftware | The owner of a Tesla Model and has filled his roof of solar panels to load “up to 100 km”. It is not a good idea