Are we really less than two years old The Xbox Prime Sortie ? The new generation of Microsoft consoles? According to the first elements and returns of insiders yes. For its part, although the American firm remains quite discreet, its boss, Phil Spencer, has several times implied and confirmed that a new console would succeed the X/S Xbox Series.
It is therefore already time to attack this file “Red thread”. Because yes, as surprising as it may seem, it already activates on the side of Sony with the PS6, but also on the side of Microsoft with the Xbox Prime, the code name of the new generation. At the end of the year, it will already be 5 years since the Xbox Series X/S came out. On average, it is the duration of a life cycle of Xbox consoles.
According to the first rumors, the next generation could tumble in November 2026thus offering 6 years of lifespan to Xbox Series X/s. Since January 2025, the first rumors around the next Xbox have started to emerge on the web. It is the ideal time to be able to sort it out and share only reliable information and rumors, from real insiders and renowned journalists. And also list all of Microsoft’s official declarations and officials.
NB : This file is a common thread. The objective of this kind of file is to be regularly updated over the weeks, months and years, allowing you to obtain a complete summary of the most reliable information around the PS6. Thus, the file will be incomplete during its initial publication and the objective of being completed until the revelation and the exit of the console.
Small point of history
The story of Xbox started 24 years ago, in 2001 with the release of the first Xbox. Since then, we have had the right to four generations, which have had a fairly modest success.
- 2001, Xbox, 4 -year life cycle, 24.6 million consoles sold.
- 2005, Xbox 360, 8 -year life cycle, 84 million consoles sold (top 9 best -selling consoles in history).
- 2013, Xbox One, 7 -year life cycle, 54 million consoles sold.
- 2020, Xbox Series X/S, 5 -year life cycle (to date), 30 million consoles sold (to date).
- Creation of the file : February 20, 2025
- Last update : 10 mars 2025
Xbox Prime: Microsoft official statements?
For several months (and years), Phil Spencer has continued to repeat that the end of consoles at Microsoft is not for now. But, with the evolution of the situation, the players and the fans had something to ask questions. But no, despite the arrival of the first big exclusives, the highlighting of the Game Pass and the deployment of applications allowing to play directly on connected televisions, without the need for Xbox consoles, Phil Spencer is categorical.
Invited to participate in a podcast, the boss of the Gaming subsidiary at Microsoft once again confirmed that Microsoft does not intend to abandon the consoles. That the quality and power of the consoles are even a priority, to leave the choice to the players. Phil Spencer thus confirmed: “I want people to choose their hardware according to his capacities and the way he fits into the choices they want to make about where they want to play. We want our hardware to win on the basis of our performance ”.
Xbox Prime: First information from insiders and journalists?
Last update: March 10, 2025
According to journalist Jez Corden, the next Xbox Prime is a reality with all of its validated budgets. On the other hand, the console would not yet be at the stage of the development kit. The console would not be scheduled for November 2026, but November 2027. For this new generation, Microsoft would opt for a device that would abandon the traditional “video console” side for an accessory halfway between a console and a PC. Allowing to go from a gaming interface to a Windows interface. Still according to Jez Corden, Microsoft would have exceeded the research and development phase (R&D) and would now be in its phase on market positioning, negotiations with external partners and marketing strategies, etc.
Update March 4, 2025 : Also according to Insider TheGhostofhope, the development of the new Call of Duty 2026 would have started well on Next-Gen development kit, including those of the Xbox Prime. The new Call of Duty would be expected for November 2026 on Xbox Prime, PS5 Pro, PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC.
From the beginning of 2025, the Insider TheGhostofhope, specializing in leaks concerning Call of Duty, confirmed that Microsoft would be in the process of preparing its new console and that the latter would be scheduled to be released in 2026. According to the Insider, the release of the console would be scheduled for November 2026, at the same time as the launch of the new Call of Duty. According to the latter, the development of the Xbox Prime project would be “a secret of the polichinelle” in the video game industry.
In mid-February 2025, it was the journalist Jez Corden, at Windows Central who in turn confirmed the development of a new generation of Xbox consoles. The journalist did not mention the code name Xbox Prime, and did not advance a release date. On the other hand, he confirmed that this Next-Gen project had just been validated and budgeted by Microsoft, allowing this new Xbox to exceed the first phases of development. Remember that Jez Corden and Windows Central are generally very well informed about the plans of Microsoft and Xbox and that they were the first to announce the arrival of an Xbox Series S, a few hours before the formalization of Microsoft in 2020.
Xbox Prime: A Retrocompatible Console?
For the moment, absolutely no information on this subject, neither from insiders, nor journalists, or officially by Microsoft. On the other hand, knowing that from the Xbox One, the Redmond firm wishes to make all the Xbox games Retrocompatibles, in particular via the Game Pass, there is a good chance that this is still the case on the next generation.
Xbox Prime: Release date?
Last update March 10, 2025
According to journalist Jez Corden, Microsoft would have exceeded and finished the research and development phase, but the console would not yet have a development kit in circulation. Thus, according to information from the journalist generally well informed, the release at the end of 2026 is unlikely and rather envisaged for November
According to information from Insider TheGhostofhope, the new Xbox Prime could be released for the holiday season 2026 with the new Call of Duty. Historically, the Call of Duty games are used to going out in November. Historically also, all Xbox consoles were released in November:
- Xbox: November 15, 2001
- Xbox 360: 22 November 2005
- Xbox One: November 22, 2013
- Xbox Series X/S : 10 novembre 2020
Xbox Prime: What Price?
For the moment, no information about this.
Xbox Prime: What power?
Still no information to date.
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