Makes your home office more cozy and smarter will help you be more productive, and also save money. In this sense, Fritz! Smart Home devices can become your great allies, since they are safe and easy to use, and represent a value that you will notice month by month.
Create a warm atmosphere in your home office is fundamental in the coldest daysespecially if you usually receive customers to negotiate budgets and see different projects. However, controlling heating in an efficient way can become quite complicated, a problem that we can solve with the Fritz! DECT 302.
The Fritz! DECT 302 is an intelligent thermostat for radiators that is very easy to install, and that will allow us to precisely regulate the temperature. We can also use it to Schedule on and off schedules, Something that will make life much easier, and that will help us save.
Imagine, for example, that you finish working and that you leave your office at home to disconnect and be with the family, but with the rush you forget to turn off the radiators of the office. This can end up assuming an important expense if it happens frequently, and with the Fritz! DECT 302 you can get completely folly, because at the time you indicate these sand they will automatically turn off.
We can combine it with the Fritz! DECT 440, an intelligent device with temperature and humidity sensor that we can use to control the Fritz! DECT 302, and that we can link to a Router Fritz! Box. It has a magnetic support that facilitates its installation, and allows us to program its four buttons to assign different functions.
If we want to maximize the savings of other devices connected to the electricity network we can resort to smart plugs FRITZ!DECT 210 y FRITZ!DECT 200which can analyze the data on energy consumption and show us reports that will help us improve and optimize the energy consumption values of our home office. Those smart plugs They can be controlled through the Interneteven when we are away from home.
All these devices are perfectly integrated with the Fritz! Box routers, which we can use to control them and get the most out of them. These use the Fritz Operating System!which offers a wide range of possibilities and has recently been updated to its 8.0 version. We can also resort to free application Myfritz! appcompatible con iOS y Android.
Content prepared in collaboration with AVM.