A leaked promotional video of the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S25 series made the rounds less than a day ago but it has now been removed after a formal request from the company. The video is still floating around on social media and it showcases the biggest selling point for Samsung’s latest flagship phones: AI.Much like with Apple Intelligence on the iPhone 16 the Galaxy S25 phones will heavily market AI features. Reports from inside the industry have been coming out claiming that the new revamped LLM-powered Bixby as well as exclusive Google Gemini features will leave Apple in the dust.
However, I got to watch the leaked video before it was taken down and the features being advertised were…underwhelming. There are some cool tools on display here: like decently improved nighttime video recording as well as being able to remove certain sounds from said recordings. But the gist of the advertised upgrades is the same as every other smartphone AI: an assistant you can ask mundane questions.
The video boasted about an AI assistant that “gets you” followed immediately by showing it giving you some insights before you start the day. This was followed by the user asking it to list pet-friendly Italian restaurants with outdoor seating. I don’t know about you but these are things I would normally turn to online forums for so I can get first-hand accounts about a place I’m considering visiting.
If there is a silver lining here it’s that the leaked promo video may not have showcased everything that the Galaxy S25 phones will come with. In fact Samsung might be pulling an Apple and thinking of releasing its AI features in subsequent updates after One UI 7.
Aside from software however the new phones will have the same battery capacity, charging speeds, cameras and displays. The biggest hardware related selling point for the Galaxy S25 lineup is the Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset that promises large performance gains over its predecessors.
While the S25 series will likely be some of the best phones to come out in 2025 you might want to consider skipping this generation if AI doesn’t interest you.