On the Chinese social platform Weibo, Huawei yesterday announced the release of the Enjoy 70X smartphone on January 3, 2025, with the slogan “One-Key Beidou, HarmonyOS Security.” The phone will support Beidou satellite messaging and feature a 50MP RYYB low-light camera, according to the Weibo post. It will also debut Huawei’s self-developed Kirin 8000A processor (3 x 2.19GHz Cortex-A77 + 3 x 1.84GHz Cortex-A55 CPU, Mali-G610 864MHz GPU), sources told the local media outlet IThome. Additionally, the device’s 6.78-inch OLED display is expected to have a dual-curve design, 1200nit brightness, 120Hz refresh rate, and 2160Hz high-frequency PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) dimming. [IThome, in Chinese]