KROGER has started using new “inventory” robot workers to carry out mundane tasks in stores – sparking fears people will lose their jobs.
Customers noticed the bots with blinking blue lights working the aisles in Great Cincinnati.

Kroger has been trialling the new workforce in 70 stores – and could roll the robots out nationwide.
The bots – named Barney – are tall, slender machines that glide between the shelves.
They are the result of a Kroger collaboration with Badger Technologies.
Kroger officials have released few details about the scheme, but said they hoped the tech would keep better tabs on stock levels in “real time”.
A spokesperson said: “We are always exploring new ways to create a more convenient and friendly customer experience.
They added that the robots help their human counterparts to “more easily and quickly identify and address shelves where products are low or out of stock”.
Pictures show the bots shining bright lights into the shelves and scanning the products.
Customers took to social media to share their thoughts on the new arrivals.
One person thought the scheme was “very cool”.
Another suggested: “This would be awesome if it could check for expiration dates too.”
But not everyone was so enthusiastic.
One shopper said the Barney team actually made the shopping experience more difficult.
She wrote: “He moves very slow and gets in the way of shoppers. I would recommend doing this in off hours.”
Another person was equally unimpressed.
They said: “And managers still have to check shelves and prices because it does a poor job. Just like the rest of Kroger and the things they invest in.”
Thinking about the impact the new workers might have, another shopper said: “Great, more tech to put people out of a job.”
Kroger said that the pilot scheme first rolled out in 2024.
Customers wanting more information can address the introductory name tag affixed to the machines.
The note reads: “Meet your new Kroger team member! ‘Barney’ is here to improve your shopping experience by scanning shelves for missing items and to ensure correct pricing.”
It also assured people that Barney does not record any personal information or pictures of customers.