Lava has recently started making a buzz again in the Indian market with the launch of decent phones. The company also dropped one with a dual display which looked impressive in terms of specifications as well. Now, the brand has introduced a new smartwatch in India named Lava ProWatch V1.
The device is being hailed as the second-generation model by the company offering some decent overhauls. The Lava ProWatch V1 will be available in the market for Rs 2,399. The device will be available in four color options – Peachy Hikari, Bluish Ronin, Mint Shinobi, and Black Nebula. Not to forget that the watch color options bring a Japanese theme.
Lava ProWatch V1 specifications and features
The Lava ProWatch V1 features a octagonal design with rounded edges. The smartwatch brings 1.85-inch AMOLED display along with 390×450 pixel resolution. It brings around 42% higher pixels per inch as compared to the predecessor. And the best part is that the display is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 3 to offer on of a kind durability.
Apart from that, the users will also get to see 2.5D GPU Animation Engine for seamless transition effects. The device is powered by a Realtek 8773 processor along with the support of Bluetooth v5.3 that delivers stable connectivity as well.
The smartwatch also brings assisted GPS for accurate location tracking at the time of outdoor activities. Furthermore, the watch is also equipped with VC9213 PPG sensor in order to offer fitness and health tracking. The watch could offer the vital metrics of the users with accuracy. The watch also includes IP68 certification for water resistance.
And that’s not it, the smartwatch also gets more than 100 watch faces along with 100 different sports modes. It also gets voice assistant support and two year warranty. This time, Lava has also offered quick reply feature and built-in games in the smartwatch as well. It also consists of a 270mAh battery that can go on for a few days once charged completely.
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