Barclays PLC increased its interest in Magic Software Enterprises Ltd. (Nasdaq: MGIC – Free Report) During the third quarter with 4,274.4%, reports Holdings Channel. The institutional investor had 5,818 shares of the software maker, after he had bought another 5,685 shares during the period. The interests of Barclays PLC in Magic Software Enterprises were worth $ 69,000 at the time of the most recent SEC request.
A number of other institutional investors recently also bought and sold shares from the company. Asset Management SA acquired a new interest in the shares of Magic Software Enterprises worth around $ 1,675,000 during the third quarter. Inspire Investing LLC bought a new position in Magic Software Enterprises worth around $ 880,000 in the third quarter. Dimensional Fund Advisors LP increased its interest in Magic Software Enterprises during the second quarter by 14.9%. Dimensional Fund Advisors LP now owns 228,551 shares of the software maker worth $ 2.201,000, after the purchase of another 29,635 shares in the past quarter. Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio purchased a new interest in Magic Software Enterprises worth around $ 115,000 during the third quarter. Finally, Copeland Capital Management LLC acquired a new position in Magic Software Enterprises shares in the third quarter, worth $ 47,000. 24.70% of the shares are in the hands of hedge funds and other institutional investors.
Stock performance of Magic Software Enterprises
The MGIC shares were open on Friday at $ 12.85. The company has a market capitalization of $ 630.94 million, a price/profit ratio of 18.36 and a beta of 1.10. The simple advancing average over 50 days of the company is $ 12.03 and the simple advancing average over 200 days is $ 11.37. The company has a current ratio of 1.76, a quick ratio of 1.76 and a debt/equity ratio of 0.13. Magic Software Enterprises Ltd. Has a low point in 12 months of $ 9.51 and a highest point in 12 months of $ 13.40.
Magic Software Enterprises increases dividend
The company also recently announced a half -yearly dividend, which was paid on Wednesday 8 January. Well -known shareholders received a dividend of $ 0.236 on Monday 23 December. This means a dividend yield of 3.7%. This is a boost compared to the previous half -yearly dividend of Magic Software Enterprises of $ 0.20. The ex-dividend date was Monday, December 23. The dividend benefit ratio of Magic Software Enterprises is currently 67.14%.
Upgrades and downgrades of analysts
Various stock investigation analysts recently commented on the MGIC shares. In a research bill on Sunday, December 22, upgraded the shares of Magic Software Enterprises from a ‘Koop’ rating to a ‘strong Koop’ rating. Barclays increased its price target for Magic Software Enterprises from $ 14.00 to $ 15.00 and gave the company a ‘Overweight’ rating in a report on Tuesday 19 November.
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Magic Software Enterprises profile
(Free report)
Magic Software Enterprises Ltd. offers its own application development, vertical software solutions, integration of business processes, outsourcing of software services in the field of information technology (IT) and cloud -based services in Israel and international. The Software Services Segment develops, sells, sells and supports application platforms, software applications and business and process integration solutions and related services.
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