After HaloThen Falloutand soon MinecraftMicrosoft does not intend to stop the adaptation of video games in film and series. AlthoughHalo be far from winning A nice success With his series, Fallout For its part is a huge success. Phil Spencer recently confirmed that Microsoft intended to produce new series in the future.
Halo, Fallout, Minecraft’s turn?
After many years to have the right to very bad adaptations of video games in film, in the cinema, the studios and publishers have (finally) decided to take matters into their own hands.
Now the studios are directly involved in the production of series. Sony, for its part, founded a specialized company, PlayStation Productionto take care of the portage of Sony’s FIRST-Party licenses. Allowing to drastically raise the quality of productions and adaptations.
For its part, Microsoft has a more mixed assessment. The series Halo is not really at the level. Soon, the film Minecraft seems to announce the worst. But in all this, we can have very beautiful surprises such as the adaptation of Fallout. In any case, Microsoft does not Do not stop stop adaptations.
During an interview with Variety magazine, Phil Spencer confirmed the information:
“We learned from Halo. We learned by doing Fallout. All these games are enriched by themselves. It is obvious that we will have some games that will miss the call. But what I would say to the Xbox community that likes what we do is that you will see more, because we gain confidence and we learn thanks to this. ”
Other big Xbox video game licenses may soon arrive, such as Gears of War, Sea of Thieves, Fable or Perfect Dark which would be the most predisposed to be adapted in film or series.
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