He Minister for digital transformation and public function, Óscar Lópezhas highlighted the place that Spain occupies in when to connectivity and digital competitions worldwide during the Mobile Wold Congress 2025 inauguration dinner from Barcelonawhich from today until Thursday, March 6, will show attendees the latest in terms of connectivity and digital technology.
Óscar López has pointed out during his speech that «Spain is the European evidence that there is a third European and European road that combines growth and well -being. We live times in which some claim that Europe is a museum and that the European project is an obstacle to competitiveness. They are wrong«, Emphasizing that Spain is«The country that grows the most from the OECD and the Eurozone«.
The minister also stood out with respect to Spain, before authorities and representatives of the main companies in the technological sector, which «We lead the European and world rankings in connectivity and digital skills, we have created half a million jobs in Stem professions in the last six years, we have one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world and with the first quantum computer with 100% European technology«.
In addition, Óscar López has underlined the role that the SETT (Spanish Society for Technological Transformation) is playing in the transformation and progress towards digitalization. The SETT is what is known as a fund of funds, and has around 16,000 million euros for the financing of high -added technological projects. The minister has also pointed out that this fund is already promoting several strategic initiatives, such as the future Center for IMEC semiconductor research and production in Malaga.
The SETT is also behind the increase in the production capacity of the Canaria Wooptix, dedicated to the metrology of semiconductors, as well as the commitment to Sensia, a Madrid company dedicated to innovation in solutions based on infrared technology.
Óscar López has also stressed that the government «He firmly believes in public-private collaboration for large transformative projects«, In addition to inviting companies and investors to contribute in Spain, a country«With excellent logistics capacity, clean and affordable energy, extraordinary talent and unmatched connectivity«.
The minister has finished his speech highlighting the «Value of cooperation and multilateralism«, Commenting that«There are those who want to make digitalization a battlefield, but Spain sees it as an opportunity for concord. While some want AI to help us better detect cancer or reduce productive costs, others use it to spread hate speeches and deepfakes that threaten people’s dignity”, valueing European and Spanish regulation in digital governance.