For all of those that were intrigued over the independent code porting the Firefox web browser to the GTK4 toolkit, there has been a bit more progress and all of the code is also now obtainable via GitHub for this unofficial port.
Since the article this weekend over the unofficial/independent porting of the Firefox rendering code on Linux from using the GTK3 to GTK4 toolkit, Jens Persson has done a bit more to address a window resizing issue in the code state from a few days ago so that it’s more usable. Here’s a screenshot of the latest on the GTK4’ed Firefox that Jens has shared with Phoronix:
Jens Persson has also now posted his entire patch-set to GitHub for easy testing. Via xerxes2/gecko-dev on GitHub is his unofficial port of Firefox to GTK4. It remains to be seen if Mozilla will end up leveraging any of these patches to further along their upstream effort. But for now at least this unofficial port for those really wanting Firefox rendering with GTK4.