The Apple co -founder, Steve Wozniak, has participated in the Talent Arena, one of the parallel events that have been held in Barcelona in the framework of the MWC25 and that focused on the capture of young talent wants to acquire their own voice as an event. As usual, the engineer, entrepreneur and philanthropist has left some interesting headlines.
Wozniak recalled his youth and how he loved “Build things” Even if I didn’t know if that would be something valuable for the future. He also reviewed how his parents supported him to study engineering, his computer designs through pencil and paper, his first works in Atari as a lover of video games and their participation in the Homebrew Computer Club where you will present your first computer with keyboard and screen.
As advice for entrepreneursin addition to the joke of “Stole a bank” To have enough investment, Woz expressed a maxim that has accompanied him all his life: «Your work will fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be really satisfied is to do what you think is a great job. And the only way to do a great job is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Do not satisfy yourself. As with all matters of the heart, you will know when you find it ».
It was impossible for him not to review his origins along with Steve Jobs at the Apple’s foundation, although he has taken the opportunity to deny the myth that the signing of the bite bite ‘was founded on a garage’. Without tongue hairs, too criticized cloud dependence and subscription models that prevent user control of their devices: «Before you bought something and it was yours, now everything is subscription, subscription, subscription».
Steve Wozniak
The engineer has shown his concern about the future of the great current technology or to be more precise of some of its uses and their risks: “I am not against artificial intelligence, but I think its use should be more sincere”says Wozniak when betting on a regulation: “To better judge what we consume we must know if the information comes from technology, how the models of AI have trained the sources they have used”.
Like other researchers, he has also pointed out his problem in cybersecurity and how great AI capacities can be used for computer attacks. “AI and chatbots can be another tool for criminals”he says, by intensifying the threats that come from the most dangerous attacks such as ransomware or phishing and in general as helping identity robberies or malware generation.
“AI can be very helpful”but not for everything, since “You can reduce our ability to think”. He assured in another of the passages of his conference. “I believe in artificial, but not in intelligence”he stressed, advising not believing together all the responses offered by the generative AI attendees. «I do not like that the use of AI is so generalized; I think it is better for people to capture their ideas and choose themselves ».
In another passage from his conference, Woz has defended the Open Source as he has already done at past events: «Technology should evolve towards More open sourcesince that would allow to go back, review the technology created and improve it ».
Steve Wozniak has not ignored questions about the world’s political and specifically the new government of his country. “I don’t like what is happening”. has assured and referring to Trump: “Politics skills are very different from technology skills”.
«Sometimes it may make sense to bring a government as a business, but I do not see that this is happening in the case of Musk. When you carry a company you have to look for consensus, share and negotiate with the workers, and you do not say everyone and start over »has declared a key person in world technology and always sincere.